If there can be points deducted for fully authorized functioning accessories that are in good shape prestntationwise then it is a no brainer that they should earn extra points.
How many of us go to all efforts and money to obtain accessories only to have to take the dang (not the word I wanted to use but close) things off before judges come around and owing to follow the rule book scrutinize the accessory and maybe take points off.
On a 41, if the dang whale tail has a bit of exhaust dust in the inside of it, you'll wish you'd have taken the thing off. Would too. This is just and example
This rule is completely upside down and needs to be addressed by sober judging committee. This, however, is something you should not hold your breath.
Think I have mention before that this is what brought about the term "plane Jane" name. Yeah, nothing but the car and no accessories at all even if the lack there of renders the car ugly and would only be bought by someone who shouldn't even but a car in the first place.
Don't get me started.
