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#87501 06/23/06 07:30 PM
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When I opened the trunk on my '57 the other day I saw the tail of a field mouse disappear under my spare tire, I was surprised because the trunk was locked and the car is in an enclosed trailer.

I shouldn’t have been surprise because I know these little critters seem magical and can get into places where you would never dream they could.

Anyway by the next day a small mouse trap had taken care of this little invader, but I know if there was one now there will be more later if I don’t do something to stop them now.

My question:

Have any of you found something/anything that keeps field mice away from your vehicles????


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#87502 06/23/06 07:49 PM
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Not really, when the weather gets hot or cold, wet or dry, food is plentiful or scarce those little critters seem to want to poop and pee inside a car, the older the car is and the shinier the car the better!

Guess what? the Speller Checquer worked!

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#87503 06/23/06 07:59 PM
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There is a ton of stuff about this on the WWW but I don't know which way to go.

I have heard that there was a 'poison' that made the mice thirsty so they would leave your house (car for me) to find water but I can’t seem to find this commercial poison if it even exists.

I did find this on the web, but it almost sounds like an “old wives tale”, if it is true it would be great, anyone have any experience with this?

Chocolate Plaster of Paris

This tip was passed along to us by a woman who lived in a Catskill Farmhouse for years, and even though we were suburb dwellers, it turned out to be the only thing that helped get rid of our mice. Take plaster of Paris (dry) and mix it with chocolate milk powder and set it so the mice can eat it. It will be a dry powder. The good idea about this mixture is that the mice will leave the house to find water after they eat it so they will not die in the house. It is also basically non-toxic, having no poison in it. It worked for us, and we had quite a few mice that we could not get rid of other ways. I guess mice love chocolate too.

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#87504 06/23/06 08:41 PM
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For winter storage I've had luck keeping the critters away by using either mothballs (the smell is bad and lasts forever) or a few Bounty dryer softener sheets (smells nicer and seems to air out quicker than mothballs). I believe most commercial rat and mouse poisons contain 'warfarin' which I think is the substance you might be refering to as making the critters thirsty..apparaently when they go looking for water and drink some the poison activates and it's good by critter. Really not sure about the commercial stuff, but I haven't had any critter damage using mothballs and dryer sheets.

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#87505 06/23/06 08:52 PM
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Thanks Ken, I will try both of your methods; have a good weekend. Thanks again.

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#87506 06/23/06 09:03 PM
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Your right on the money Ken. When we picked up my '46 from the original owner in '93 the car had been stored for 30 years in a barn. The old guy had about an inch of warfarin on the floor of the inside and trunk. Had little tins of it in the engine compartment and around the car along with mothballs. When I dismantled the car three years ago there wasn't a trace of rodent crap. Here's another tip. Not sure if this has ever been posted but if you have a mold problem spray it with round up. Will kill it and the moldy smell. Have a good weekend all. Cheers!!

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#87507 06/23/06 09:20 PM
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Warfarin is an anticoagulant. Same active ingredient as Cumadin given to heart patients. The little pests get thirsty when the internal bleeding starts.

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#87508 06/23/06 10:03 PM
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I have moth balls in my 33, more for insects than for rodents, and have had no rodent problems. I have electronic chasers in my attic and workshop and no longer have a bat or mouse problem.

#87509 06/24/06 04:45 AM
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FOR YEARS I've put 4-5 moth balls on the floor in each side of the front seat and back seat and in the trunk when storing a car over winter or for any more than just a few weeks. NEVER had any rodent probs.

I've heard, but not tried, that the "Bounce" clothes dryer sheets produce the same results.

I don't know ANYTHING about poison. If there is one. Which one. Etc.


#87510 06/24/06 04:02 PM
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Ok Bill, so what did you do with the rest of the pore little caponized moths?

:love: bigl

Sorry about that corney comment, but I spent the last couple of days under the dash of the 53, pulling the heater, radio, glove box, wiper transmissions (I ended up with two good working transmissions Both Left ones), then installed a new turnsignal switch, flasher, and upteen bulbs and fuses. The PO had rigged all six wires with the same old cloth covered wire (natural, no markers) and they were shorted inside the column. So I have started being a little more than just Wacky!!!!
Grand Junction or BUST!

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#87511 06/24/06 04:19 PM
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Now the good news, the flasher and turnsignal switch I got fron the Fillin station are working like a charm, now folks won't think I am waveing at them when I get ready to turn. I mailed the radio off to Rex North to fix, and I have the heater in the floor waiting for a good heater control valve One windshield wiper is working (driver's side) two new tires Monday and she will be ready for a little trip. I hope it don't snow in Western Colorado week after next!
(I got some Rainex just in case.)

We started using Bounce for everything from the mange to warts, seems to work best to keep critters away, chiggers, fleas, skeeters, bill collectors and mice!!!!!What the bounce don't take care of we use a lot of WD-40 and MMO!!

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#87512 06/24/06 06:00 PM
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Thanks guys, Bounce smells nice too.

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#87513 06/24/06 08:37 PM
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Does it work on Gators? devil devil dance dance laugh


#87514 06/24/06 09:43 PM
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...Like exlax on a fat goose... ZOOOOreo

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#87515 06/26/06 02:00 PM
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Why does there always have to be one? or two.

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#87516 06/26/06 06:10 PM
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L.C. one or Two gators or mice? or moth balls.... :confused: :confused: :confused: wink bigl

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#87517 06/26/06 07:22 PM
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EX-LAX and Gator Aid, Now thats a good combination to get a person wound up and maybe even add a little Texas Hot Sauce. Hey Mack, I think with that combination, A guy could get to Colorado In a big hurry. chevy

#87518 06/26/06 10:40 PM
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Well Donald I don't know much about gators, except the John Deere version, However I do know about raising geese, My mom had a flock of the nasty critters!
I will partake of some of that good hot sauce on my enchiladas,and burritos, followed by a big bowl of Blue Bell Ice cream, ever now and then, keeps me from having to buy Exlax!
That is probably info overkill on both subjects Eh?...I'm DONE and soon to be gone!!!!!!

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#87519 06/27/06 04:04 AM
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Gee, thanks for sharing.....

#87520 06/27/06 10:39 AM
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...and Bill, thanks for moving the last post outta the spotlight and down the list!

One more thing I would like to know, How to keep those dirt dobbers, mud dobbers, the wasps that build mud nests, from building under the hood and on the fan belt, We always have lots of them around, talk about a thrill, start a car with one of those big nests on the fan belt! A car cover helps but they still get under the car all over the tie rods etc.

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#87521 06/27/06 07:37 PM
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Yes Yes Yes

Thank You Bill

#87522 06/28/06 02:07 PM
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The 'Louis C..' with 2 periods is not the same person as "Louis C." with 1 period.

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#87523 06/28/06 02:15 PM
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Well Louis I am glad one of you finally got two periods in a row! Know whut I mean? I guess one is a clone. but from whom to whom?

MrMack without a period!

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#87524 06/28/06 02:23 PM
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Oh Boy!!!!! Louis C. & Louis C.. WOW!!!
MM, I'm tempted, but I'm not going to touch that one; this is a family show ya know.

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#87525 06/28/06 02:34 PM
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