"What do you mean by 'true'?"
Yes, I'd also like to know why anyone on this board would presume to insinuate a fellow hobbiest might be a liar.
Just because one has no inclination or not been succesful enough in life and have the spare cash available to indulge in "collectibles", is no reason to denigrate the person. I've also seen items sell for what to many might appear to be what I'd consider an outrageous price for a collectible, but I figure to each, their own and if they can afford it, God bless them. I'm sure the vast majority of people in the world would be appalled to find out what each and every one of us on this board has "invested" in our cars.
Bottom line, ridiculing or make insinuations about others, whether due to jealousy, envy, etc., is really kind of petty. As my Momma used to say, "If you can't say something nice, shut up".
My 2¢
