I getting ready to return my second rear flip-down center bumper guard I bought for my 39 Master Deluxe. I'm extremely disappointed by the quality (actually lack of). First one I received had the flip-down mechanism welded cock-eyed in the guard. Second one is not cock-eyed, but the flanges aren't aligned and the guard sits crooked on the bumper. I don't have any tools to bend 1/16" stamped steel.
Has anyone else had problems with the quality of reproduction parts from I&I? I'm anticipating a difficult time returning this item, although they never apparently never cover the return shipping charges anyway. I&I will no doubt say I'm one of their customers they have to annotate as being too picky. In the end, this bad experience will cost me over $30 in return postage fees for parts that should have never passed quality control.
Has anyone been satisfied with a repro 38/39 rear flip-down bumper guard from any vendor? I see a number of other vendors offer them. Thanks.