***This thread is now locked.*** If you are interested in why, then ready the following carefully.
1) This appears to be a legitimate product for use with vintage cars. (Follow the original referenced link.)
2) The posting appears to be by the vendor for the sole purpose of generating sales.
3) The vendor posted it in multiple forums.
4) The posting is misplaced in that it should have been in the "parts for sale" section -- once.
5) Since there are TWO positings, I'm locking this one and
Moving the first one posted to the proper forum. (You can continue your dialogue there.)
Comment: While this
may fit the general definition of Spam, I'm going to leave it active in the "for sale" section since a) it is a legitimate product and b) the vendor HAS checked back to follow up on replies to his original posting. If all vendors were so inclined, then they'd make a lot more sales.
Summary of policy: - Post products in the "for sale" forum.
- Monitor your posting.
- Only post ONCE in the Discussion Board.
- Don't artifically "bump" your posting so as to make it move to the active listing artifically.
Top-Serve, if you'd like, you can email me to discuss this further. Thanks... and everyone hey! Drive safely out there! Make sure that your tail lights are always working!