I hope everyone is having a fantastic day! I am looking for some information. My grandfather has a 1931 Independence convertible Landau Phaeton and he is in need of the engine splash pans that mount between the engine and frame rails.
Our question is, are the splash pans shared between 1929-1931 Chevrolet passenger cars?
If anyone has insights, experience, or perhaps even spare parts lying around, I would greatly appreciate any guidance or assistance you could offer.
I do not know the answer to your question but I do know that all 33 Standard and Master,34 Standard and Master,35 Standard and Master, and 36 Standard and Master splash pans are ALL different. Mainly because of frame differences and Knee Action front ends.
Hello Haase, 1929-1932 Master Parts Price List for Six Cylinder Models. Index-Sheetmetal Page 89 does list 'Underpans' LT and RT for 1931+32 cars. There is no reference to engine side pans or engine splash pans. As for 1929+30, the listing only refers to trucks. The index also has Open Car Bodies-sheetmetal, but no listing of Underpans, engine side pans or engine splash pans. Wondering if Chevy defined Underpans to mean engine side pans, I could not find out. Whenever I inquired, the computer self corrected the search using the word UNDERPANTS.
The nomenclature did change at some point. "Underpans" then became "engine sidepans". Proof of that lies with common part numbers (355200 and 355201) in both books.
The '29-32 parts book is poorly written. It contains the 1929-30 sidepans, but they appear to be listed for 1929, 30, and 31 trucks, which they DO fit. But they also fit the 1929 and 30 cars, as per the 1929-32 parts book.
Long story short... as above, the pans from all '31, '32 and '33 cars WILL fit a '31 car. The pans from '29, '30' and '31 trucks will NOT.
Hello Stovblt, Thanks for clarifying the parts listing. So, if I understand correctly, 29 and 30 car or truck engine side pans will not fit a 31 of any model and that will help to answer Haase's question: 'Our question is, are the splash pans shared between 1929-1931 Chevrolet passenger cars?'. Which the answer would be NO. Haase should look for 31,32,33 pans, correct?
PS Actually I was a bit wrong, and need to make a clarifying correction! The pans on the 1933 "STANDARD" will fit the 1931 models. THE PANS FROM THE 1933 "MASTER" ARE DIFFERENT!