About to install new drag link parts, springs, plugs, cup disc etc.
The instructions from TFS that came with the parts shows the gear end of the drag link to have the "short" distance from the ball stud hole to the end of the rod. About 1-1/4" And the axle end has the "long" distance ball stud hole to the end of the rod. About 2"
The Chevy Repair Manual shows the exact opposite of the above rod orientation.
Also, what is the correct assembly of the parts themselves, as the two instructions are not the same?
Thanks to all, and hope this info and photo's makes sense.
If you look at the photos of both.. closely, you will see that the 'Ball' comes into the drag link housing in different locations.. on either end... the little cupped discs, that embrace the ball, are located right next to the tightening screw,,, and the spring that creates tension, is always on the opposite side of the cupped discs as the screw... I too would go with the repair manual photo... but It probably would not make any difference... the distance between the two locations being the same...
There is a long end and a short end so that the spring can be located on the "outer" side of one ball and "inner" side of the other.
As the Chev manual points out, this is done so one spring absorbs road shocks from one direction, and the other spring absorbs shocks from the other direction.
If there were no clearance issues, and the drag link was straight with no bends built in to it, it probably wouldn't matter which way you install it.
That said, I'd go with what the Chev manual says, as there is probably more open room for the long end in the steering gear area.