1958 Chevrolet Passenger Car and Truck Accessories Installation Reference Manual. It is 219 pages long and is 8.5" x 11". It is virtually brand new with a tight binding. It has no missing pages, no markings on any of the inside pages. Someone wrote on the top of the front cover in ink..."New Car Dept". Almost every page has drawings of how to install 1958 Chevy accessories into trucks and cars.
$12 + shipping Dave
Email me for a list of over 500+ 1936-1954 Chevy parts for sale. Most of the parts fit 1939-1948. Most of the parts are NOS GM. vcca6
Last edited by the toolman; 01/06/2410:12 AM.
the toolman 60th Anniversary Meet Chairperson Dave VCCA # L 28873 VCCA #83 Tool Technical Advisor for 1914-1966 VCCA #83 1940 Chevrolet Technical Advisor
the toolman 60th Anniversary Meet Chairperson Dave VCCA # L 28873 VCCA #83 Tool Technical Advisor for 1914-1966 VCCA #83 1940 Chevrolet Technical Advisor
the toolman 60th Anniversary Meet Chairperson Dave VCCA # L 28873 VCCA #83 Tool Technical Advisor for 1914-1966 VCCA #83 1940 Chevrolet Technical Advisor