I will restore my wheels, paint <powder coated F/S>> tires,tubes and flaps all the kit. I am indecisive on what kind of valves I must use << rubber or steel>> I made searchs on the forum but find nothing can help me. Three years ago I replaced the rubber stems by steel such as explaned in a forum. Tubes keep pressure correctly however it not easy to keep the steel stem in center of rim hole <<hole 5/8`` stem .397``>> also recently I had a flat and discovered the bridge edges have cut the rim strip. I don't like this valves style for long time use. UNIVERSAL TIRE have tubes with steel stem hot vulcanized and plastic rim hole bushing <<625`` to .453``>> I use my car from time to time it's not a trailer queen. According to your experiences which is the best choice?
Sorry for mistakes my native language is French.
Thanks Henri
Last edited by duhen; 08/23/23 09:36 PM.