I just re-installed my rocker arms after having to replace a bent pushrod. I’m not sure how much play there should be (If any) between the rocker arm and the push rod when it’s fully closed.
I’m also getting a steady oil drip from the oil line - picture attached - wondering if this can be solved by a simple o-ring?
I think you may be chasing something you may not need to worry about. It is hard to tell from the picture but I looks like the area that is dripping oil is the spring loaded brass insert where it slides into the rocker arm shaft. The overflow tube I think Rusty is referring to is the steel line that is just to the right of the drip in your picture. And yes that overflow tube should be flowing a fairly substantial amount of oil. In the early '30s they changed the height of where that return line is tapped into to ensure the front rockers got plenty of oil even at idle. That is considered a low/no pressure area. Some service manuals suggested pinching that return line so as to increase oil to all the rockers as the rocker bushings wore and too much leaked out. As long as all rockers are getting a good volume of oil that is what matters. A small leak won't cause any problem. All of the oil at that area will eventually return to the pan.
Thank you all for your reply. I found the appropriate clearance in the manual, fully adjusted everything to the correct spacing. The oil does seem normal now that I’ve run it and driven it, no leaks, and everything seems to be getting oil. I do have a slight “knock” that i didn’t have prior to the “new used” head and rocker arms, going to see if and how I can track that down now.