Hello Jack were neighbors, I’m in Fairlawn Va.. Nice 32 by the way, that’s my dream car a 32.. However at this point I don’t own one yet, I currently have a 54 Chevy 210...
Well hello. Yep, I'm in Blacksburg close to the old high school. Do you know David Ridpath, town manager of Radford? He has more than one 1932 Confederate, though I haven't seen them yet. It is a mighty fine looking old car.
The earliest car I remember my parents driving was a '54 Chevy. My father was a salesman for Davis Oldsmobile and Chevrolet [no relation] in Kansas City, MO. At age 10 I once fell out of it on a turn when the door wasn't fully closed!
My 32 has brackets for bud vases similar to yours, but no vases. The brackets were not original to 1932 nor were they Chevvie accessories available then, I have been told. They do dress it up a bit.