The Apron that fits around the crank hole below the radiator on my '31 Sedan has three tabs that are riveted or spot welded that look to be used to fasten the lower parts of the rock guard. Two of these tabs are broken. One a little bit more than the other. Pictures attached. Does someone have a picture of what these tabs should look like not broken? Maybe some dimensions too? I appreciate the help.
--------------------------------------------------------- Thanks much, Ralph "Roll Tide"
I have some replacement parts fabricated by Ralph Mc Eowen many years ago. Can't find where they are hiding despite looking. I don't have any extras but could take a photo with tape measure along side when I find them.
Hello Bama31, My 31 Coach is apart for new radiator. The 3 tabs attached to the crank hole panel appear to be spot welded. The two outer tabs are also broken short as yours are. These tabs sandwich between the car frame front cross member (on bottom) and the lower radiator cowl mount bar (on top) to secure the crank hole panel. The mount bolt holes on the front cross member are 12 and 1/2" apart. The lower radiator cowl mount bar has 4" long slots for the mount bolts to allow side-to-side adjustment. Evidence shows that the broken tabs originally spanned the width of the cowl mount bar and must have also been slotted to allow for adjustment. The tabs, from the bend at your rivets/spot weld (thru the broken area) should measure 2" total. The tabs need to be slotted thru their outward sides, leaving little material left for the inward part of the tabs. This I believe, is why they break over time and are lost.
Hello Bama31, May I point out that my measurement started from the bend at the rivet/spot weld and onward = 2". Chippers measurement extends to the crank hole panel. Thank you Chipper for the rest of the puzzle.
Found a 1931 lower radiator panel with both brackets. Note that one has been welded to repair damage. Hope this one with the other helps you fix the brackets on your panel.