When I got back from Bowling Green last year I had to roll the car off the trailer because the car wouldn't start. It started fine at BG and when I loaded it on the trailer. When I got home I had to push it off the trailer and around to line up with the garage door. Anchored the car to a complete 235 engine and a 1948 engine. Had to add some transmissions and other stuff to have enough weight to pull the car in (slight incline to enter the garage). What a mess.
I put off messing with it until about two weeks ago because other things came up and breaking the top of my femur off on the 23 of December 2022. Got a new set of points which didn't fit but new condenser which did fit. O'Rileys stuff. Other than checking the time and fuel pump I didn't mess with anything else. Used a moderate spray of starting fluid and the car started right up.
Question: Can a bad condenser, by itself, cause the engine to not run? I had adjusted the points many times and they were "right on" through all phases of trying to start the engine.
I don't claim to know much about electricity and Fig Newtons (Now just Newtons,)

Your input will be much appreciated. Will too!