Hi. Having hard time getting coil on my 46 off of it’s Electrolock cable socket. Anyone have clear coil removal instructions and/or clear photos of inside the socket? Thanks.
Thanks a bunch. Those pictures helped a lot. I finally got the coil off by using an old Feeler Gauge. I insered it where I believed the socket's nub would be. The Feeler Gauge would not go all the way to the bottom of the socket wall so I knew the nub was located there. I tapped the feeler gauge lightly until it was all the way to the bottom of the socket. This dis-engaged the nub from the retaining hole in the coil's base. I could then twist it clockwise while pulling to separate the two parts. That nub in the socket does not appear to be made to move. See photo attached. What you need to do is wedge a half inch wide piece of thin metal between the nub and the nub hole in the coil's base, disengaging the two. Not easy to accomplish, Lots of cleaning and a bit of painting of the coil and base now required. Scuffed both a bit with the feeler gauge. Thanks again.