I have a set if original accessory foot scrapes and a set original fender skirts with correct trim with the piece that goes below the rock shields and the skirts are painted the correct matching color i.e. Kinston Grey.
My dilemma is this: I don't particularly like either items, scrappers or skirts, on the car. I think they both a distraction of the looks of the car. If I mount the rocker bolding extensions then I have to live with the skirts or replace the rocker guard because it will have to be cut off at its bottom to accommodate the extensions. And the rocker moldings will have to be cut to accommodate the foot scrapers, to boot.
Question: If it were you, would you mount either or both of these items or sell them or just keep them for the next owner.
Note: I feel the same way about the spinner steering wheel. Beside the regular Special Deluxe steering wheel, I think they are not as nice looking. What do you think about this item also?
I will appreciate any help here.
I apologize for not listing this in the Accessories Forum but I thought it would not have enough wide spread interest there.