I converted my 53 to 12 volts. The starter would clash with the flywheel on occasion. I was told to replace the 6v solenoid with a 12v. There's no exact match bolt up but the Standard SS748 matches everything except the placement of the electrical connections. Picture 1 shows the 6v solenoid in place. When I got the 12 solenoid bolted to the starter body the battery lug was not an issue however the solenoid to starter copper bar didn't fit that configuration plus I wanted to keep it with the 6v solenoid so some problem solving to fabricate a replacement was in order. After searching all over town and most of the internet for a piece of flat malleable copper 5/8" wide by 1/16" thick came up empty I had to get creative. I brought home a 12" piece of 1/2" soft copper water line. First attempt I cut a piece off the end and hack sawed it in half lengthwise then flattened it & drilled the appropriate holes. Picture 2 shows the result when I tried to bend it to marry it to the solenoid/starter lugs. As well as tearing it wasn't heavy enough for the current load it would have to carry. Back to the drawing board. Next attempt was to cut another piece and leave it intact. I flattened it on each end, 90 deg out and drilled the necessary holes. Success! With a bit of adjusting and sprucing up the result is in the other pics. Picture 6 shows the raw material I worked with. Hope this helps someone facing the same challenge.
VCCA Member 43216 Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet. 1938 HB Business Coupe 1953 210 Sedan