My two trucks have spacers that go in between the transmission cross member and the chassis mount brackets. They are flat plate material, 1/8" thick (if I remember correctly), roughly 1 1/2" wide, and 3 1/2" long. They have a long slot cut longways that span both mounting bolts on each side of the transmission.
I might have a pair of these spacers in my parts stash. I'll look for them and if I find them, I'll add a photo to this posting.
You bolt the transmission to the back of the flywheel housing, put the tranny side mounting bolts in loosely, and then hammer in the spacers from the top to slide over and around the side bolts. These spacers center the transmission and make the sideways fit to the chassis tight.
Neither of my trucks use spacers on any of the engine mounts.
Cheers, Dean
Last edited by Rustoholic; 03/06/21 01:20 PM.