Looking for ball park value of a rim spreader tool. Looking at one on Craigs list says Pacific Rim Tool, For Photo: https://nh.craigslist.org/tls/d/tilton-old-pullers/7268108151.html I tried to copy the photo but no luck . As pictured all are available for $100.00 Other parts are for T & A
I think $100 for the whole lot is a good price. The rim spreader alone goes for over that on ebay. You could research the other tools and sell them to recoup some $$.
BTW, if you right click on the photo and copy its image location, then you can post it here using the Full Editor and the insert image link icon.
Thanks for the info Dean. I'll try your suggestion for posting the photo next time I need to. I did try copy image and paste with no luck so quit there.
I usually get $50-$60 for rim spreaders. But I buy them cheap and pass them along to guys who need them (and usually didn't know such a tool existed). The tool below the rim spreader seems to be a valve spring compressor . The one in the middle top is most interesting to me. It looks like a puller but the design of the jaws is not visible. I can't tell about the one on the left.
The tool on the left is a valve tool as is the lower right. The center one appears to have a lip on the outer end and is a puller of some type possibly for a bearing or bushing. I don't have a need for any of them but thought they would be good trading material or as you do pass on to someone that could use them, The owner also stated he had some 30's Chevy stuff so it may be worthwhile to checkout.
I only use the rim tool for expanding the rim after the tire change.
To get the rim out of the old tire, I just use tire irons. This method is describe really well in an article that is listed in the Technical Articles in the Members Only section off the main VCCA page.
Cheers, Dean
Dean 'Rustoholic' Meltz old and ugly is beautiful!