I am thrying to identify the year this photo was taken for the local historical society. I am more of a pre war car guy so can any of you positivily identify the newest car in this photo? (it is Port Washington WI)
I would guesstimate the car travelling towards the camera to be a '47 Chev Fleetline. However, the car parked second from the camera and facing the camera looks like a '49 or '50 Chev with an outside sun visor. If it was possible, could a larger view of this picture be put up here?
That car coming at us looks taller than a '49 to me, so I'd stick with '48. I grew up with a '49 and learned to drive in it, really a pretty nice car. WL
Mike, I agree with you regarding the '47 coming at the camera. Parked on the side of the street just past the Mobil station is a vehicle that looks to be a mid-30's sedan. Further along is another parked vehicle. This is the one that looked to me to be a '49 or '50 with an outside visor. Can you see it clearly enough to make an identification?
Mike - I also agree it looks like a 47 Chev. Is the first one on the right a Pontiac Streamliner or a Chev Aerosedan? I think I can make out what appears to be the famous Pontiac chrome center band going up the back.
I didn't see anything in the pic that I could confirm as being later than '48. The "Aero-esque" car on the right has something about it that made me think Pontiac/Olds/buick rather than Chevy. The two-tone scheme, Maybe?