After changing the oil , cleaning oiling the rockers tappets , Points , checked the timing , syringed oil into bores , cleaning the carburetor out , cleaning and repair to the vacuum fuel tank , hand turning the engine over , new battery the 27 started up was great to hear .
On warming up I noticed oil leaking out between the top of the oil filter and the base of the old coil ( noted that the oil was very black compared to the new oil added ) I haven't had a chance to look further yet and was wanting to know of a posable leak source , I shut the engine down on seeing the leak .
Nice, I have a 33 chevy truck that hasn’t ran in 50 yrs, so going through the same thing. So far have it turning over with no issues, it’s amazing to clean a 80+ year starter and have it spin...
Its good to know others are going through to same thing , and I'm glad I was offered the chance to take 1927 home and its not going to be cut up on my watch ( was the main worry from the last owner ) one thing I purchased some new felt to replace the existing felt on the rockers but found it is acrylic felt from china and not sure that it will handle the heat of engine , have to hunt some old felt down as well . Keep me in the loop with your progress Rayz
Hi Rick There are some real good early Chev 4 guys who live in the Central West NSW Australia area, so just let me know where you are and I can put you in touch with some one with good knowledge close by where you live.
. Hi Rick, Did you install a new oil filter when changing the oil? If the coil bracket rubs against the old oil filter, it will wear a hole in the old filter. If left unused for many years, the oil filter could rust thru and leak. Many places sell replacement filters such as the filling station page 313. . Good luck, . Lou .
Hi Lou I didn't replace the oil filter first and now wish I had done so , the oil was very black coming out of the pin hole and I hope I stopped her in time , as soon as I noticed the leak it was shut down . . I will get onto replacing it asap and was hoping maybe someone may have one in Australia if not I will order one from the USA for sure .
Thanks for the photos and the tip on the mounting bracket
When I first put my '27 truck together (Lurch - see links below), I didn't want to spend the money for an original oil filter, especially since it did not have a replaceable element inside.
So, being the backyard tinker that I am, I rigged up a 1950's era oil filter canister for which I can buy a filter element at any car parts place. The last filter I bought was a Napa 1006.
Removed the old oil filter to clean and look for that pin hole for a possible temporary repair till I get hold of a replacement , well ! after cleaning I found what seems to be many old patch's and repairs on the filter canister to keep the 27 ticking over out in the bush over the years and will hold off on that repair .
PS , A neighbor dropped over for a look and asked are you sure about this old car will it go ect , simple respectful answer to the old fella was I love it and it sure will