I recently wrote the Lemay Museum to ask a question about their 1942 Chevrolet blackout. They were so kind to share issue #3 of this newsletter which they said was in the car when they received it. I reached out to member Roger James about the newsletter and he had issues 1, 2 and 4 which he shared with me. How cool I thought. Found the authors name, did a bunch of online searches, lot of writing the wrong person then finally I found Mr. Leonard Stevenson. He was very surprised someone came upon these newsletters that he wrote almost 40 years ago(1981/1982). Had a great conversation with him about these cars. Was curious if any other members out there have any further issues of this(or other interesting blackout literature).
1942 Chevrolet Fleetline Aerosedan 1942 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Cabriolet Daryl B.
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How many Blackouts are out there. They are fascinating to me. I think I have only seen one at a Chevy gathering. I once had some NOS Fleetline fender moldings which were stainless, that had been (factory) painted for blackout use.