Hello Twigs ...
Two links are included to provide info on two of the products used. My son had these products readily available.
The aerosol spray is the deoxit compound diluted into solvent that is good for flushing out dirt and corrosion. For actually removing the oxidation the concentrate is much more effective. Tough jobs can benefit from having both... but if one already has a good spray solvent... probably fine just to use that for cleaning and only purchase the D100L concentrate.
Some isopropyl alcohol and acetone might also have been used during the cleaning … that my son does not remember.
His tools included a plastic bristle brush, brass bristle brush, fine-point cotton swabs … and likely some 600 grit sandpaper for the wiper and any other surfaces that needed to be sanded.
https://www.amazon.com/DeOxit-Cleaning-Solution-Spray-spray/dp/B0002BBV4Ghttps://www.amazon.com/CAIG-LABORATORIES-D100L-25C-Contact-Cleaner/dp/B0000YH6F8I would add the 'after the clean-up' photo; however, I don't have the rights to add a file.
Your switch looks very similar to mine, if not exactly like mine.
good luck with the cleaning .. let me know the results.
rgds jim p