Looks like my July schedule completion date has been pushed back. I am thankful nobody was seriously injured. My mechanic was test driving the truck when someone blindly backed out of their driveway into the road. Looks to be mainly sheet metal damages. The insurance appraiser will give his estimate for the damages tomorrow .
Thank you all I will keep the VCCA updated. Hagerty Insurance has been processing everything quickly without any issues. Hopefully my rates does not increase being I / my party was not at fault. I am just glad all parties were ok. Maybe I can hope for a August return.
The appraiser was very thorough. Â He discovered the windshield was partly popped out at a corner, indicating the cab is racked. Â That has me worried. Â I did not find any frame damage with a crude tram gauge. Â We agreed the other car rode up over the 55 bumper and did its crushing at a 45 deg angle. Â I’m thinking draw a line from the right headlight to driver as the angle of impact. Â The implication is we were both going the same speed. Â If she was cautiously pulling out of her driveway and I was doing 40-45, I’d have a scrape along the entire right side…fender, door, pick up box. Â So she must have been flying to intrude so deep.
A friend of mine suffered the same misfortune several years ago with a '53 GMC 5-window.The insurance company stated that if he could find and supply all the parts needed to restore the truck, the company would pay full costs of installing, adjusting and repainting the damage. Maybe you could work the same kind of deal by finding good used parts. That year we spent the summer looking at every "junker we could find - found scads of Chev pickups but hardly any GMC's. And nothing on the front clip of a Chev '47 - '55 will fit a GMC. A good body shop should be able to tell if the windshield situation is a result of a permanent "twist" in the cab structure or just a "springing" action that occurred at impact that went back into proper form right afterwards. Good luck on getting back on the road again, and please keep us informed of the progress you are making.
If the screen has popped I would expect that the door nearest would also be out of alignment which would most likely noticable at the top rear of the door. Tony
I heard those GMC trucks were for the boss and the Chevrolet trucks were for the workers. Both trucks are beautiful to me. Sorry to hear about your friends misfortune. Do you know which insurance company your buddy had? The parts I can find luckily. I am not liking the phrase permanent "twist". Would the truck be totaled if it is discovered to have a permanent twist? I am not sure of the door being out of alignment. After the holiday I will call the Insurance appraiser and my mechanic to see where I stand and what steps, I need to take. Thank you all for your insight have a great Fourth of July.
I am not sure of the door being out of alignment. The insurance appraiser is the one that noted the glass being out. He was very thorough and detailed as reported to me by the mechanic. The police report was also detailed and well written. I will find out the trucks destiny when, I hear from the insurance either way I will continue to share the news when it's given to me. VCCA members have a great wealth of knowledge. This knowledge will help me make the best informed choice.
Wanted to keep everyone updated.I heard from the appraiser and read his10 page report which totaled $18,000 worth of damages. Most parts were being sourced from LMC trucks.com and Classic.com. I am not a fan of this ,but what choice do I have? I was informed today by my mechanic of several years, he did not feel comfortable taking on the collision component. His expertise is within restoration. I respect his honesty and being upfront. This has placed me in a difficult situation.He has provided exceptional craftsmanship thus far and I was under the assumption he would work on the damaged truck.I would highly recommend his services for restoration. I hope to bounce back from this nightmare.
Can anyone here highly recommend a collision expert that specializes in our historical Antique Autos? The truck is currently in Stephentown NY and would have to be towed. The tri-state area of New York,New Jersey, and Connecticut are within my geographical location. The Metro NY area would be ideal. I want this truck to get the required craftsmanship it deserves. If anyone can help plesse respond to this post, private message me or email me at KJabouin@Icloud.com Thank you in advance for any information.
The truck is a total loss. If anyone is looking for 1st series parts please send a message or email. I have a few original items I no longer need. Everyone please remain safe during the pandemic,