My check was deposited by the VT department of motor vehicles on Monday and a brand new tag came in the mail today. From what I read, the registration and sticker will follow within the next week. I signed up for insurance from Hagerty so I guess I can run it registered, tagged and insured as VT for at least the next year without getting hassled by any local cops.
I can take the VT registration and apply for a PA title but I don’t know if I can get it tagged as “Antique” in PA due to the self certification line... Since the doodlebug is a 1928 Chevy sedan with a chevy one ton trans, Ford Ton Truck rear, no windshield, homemade bed, seat and no doors I don’t feel comfortable signing off on the self certification listed below.
“The vehicle has been maintained in or restored to a condition that is essentially the same as that which a vehicle of that particular year and model would have been in at the time it was originally manufactured and both interior and exterior are in good condition including paint, chrome, wheels and body. I/We understand that this vehicle must be maintained in compliance with Pennsylvania Equipment Regulations.
The signature(s) below hereby certifies under penalty of law that the information contained herein is TRuE aND CORRECT. WARNING: unsworn falsification to authorities is a misdemeanor of the third degree punishable by a fine of up to $2,500 and/or imprisonment up to 1 year (18 Pa.C.S. Section 4904[b]).”
Any thoughts to how I could justify signing this without incriminating myself? Wish I had a cop friend that could tell me if it’s a big deal or not.
VT Tag