I'm on rewiring my Chevy. So I put in a 7-wire Sigflare Signal stat 900. The wiring is as described here.
http://www.fatfenderedtrucks.com/scans/signal_1.jpg For the ground I have installed an extra cable, because the steering column is painted and I am afraid not to get a good ground with the clamp.
I used this one as a flasher
https://www.oldtimerbedarf.de/media...linkrelais-12v-94w-4-x-21w-2-x-5w~3.jpg.If I connect to X +12V, to L the yellow cable and to P the blue cable, everything works as it should, but the indicator light doesn't work.
Change the yellow cable to P and the blue cable to L, the indicator light flashes in every position but no Turn Signal works.
Connect the yellow and the blue cable to L and X to +12V, the Turn Signals work and the Pilot light to, but it flashes in every position?
Now I tried all 9 combinations, nothing works. Anybody got any ideas?