VCCA Area 6 regions have been holding what has been called "The Joint Tour" to allow VCCA members particularly in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas to get together yearly. We don't frequent dives or other facilities of questionable repute. It is an opportunity for like minded members to mingle, kick tires, tell a few stories and socialize. More like a family reunion Regions rotate hosting the event so it can be closer to "your backyard" occasionally.

The 2019 Joint Tour happens September 5-8, 2019 in Navasota, Texas. Located a little South of Bryan/College Station the area is rich in Texas history and traditions. With undulating topography populated with large trees and green vegetation it is not the typical scenery depicted so often of Texas. Come join us even if not an Area 6 member. You may fall in love with this part of Texas (Californians and New Yorkers may be excepted (sp?) as there are plenty of your folks already here). For more information contact me for a registration form. Y'all come hear!

How Sweet the roar of a Chevy four!