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#424568 04/20/19 09:46 PM
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Just wondering if anyone here on VCCA will be traveling to Carlisle this Spring ?!?!

I may be heading up on Wednesday Night and staying through Saturday or so. be nice to meet up with anyone going or stopping by.

I have NEVER been to Carlisle so this will be my first year

any hints, tips, things to know or look for/ avoid ??

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Some things to consider:

a. Move up your three-day trip up a day. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; Saturday is a bust.. Wednesday will be the best day to hunt for stuff. By Saturday vendors are either gone or packing up to get ready to do so.

b. There is a gate at the far end (farthest from the school) on "K" row. Just outside this gate there is a food vendor (in a trailer) that has great food. I recommend it. It's set up just to the right as you go through the gate.

c. Get there early - about 7-8 and start row by row. Like Hershey, there is no rhyme or reason the way vendors are set up. Stuff for all cars is scrambled.

d. By the main gate there is an ice cream vendor. Get you some. It's gooood!

e. Take light wet-weather gear. If you do you won't need it - If you don't you will. All walking lanes are paved. Unlike Hershey (now) vendor spaces are not.

I have been going and vending every they have been open. Charter Member. First year 1974 I think. But in the Fall only. I tried vending in the Spring for the first three years they held the Spring event but the weather was either freezing, raining or just down right miserable each of the three years. I quit going in the Spring.

I hope you have good weather and enjoy your treasure hunt.


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Thanks Charlie, assume you will not be there then ?!?

he is driving up wednesday EARLY, I am a rider... the guy I am going with has been going for years, he has a small RV and stays in the campground by the site ?!? saturday being a bust would explain WHY he gets up has his coffee then heads out, goes down to the diner eats breakfast and heads home. think it used to be jennies diner, now rt 30 diner about hour away >!>

i'm an early bird, will be up eat and ready to roll by 7 730 !! like clock work, my friend, not so sure, but he can call me and find me :)

i will have to find this food trailer and give him a try.

will make sure i take my wet gear, really needed this year at Hershey it POURED !!!

best part is I am NOT looking for anything, but see what I find, tools, equipment, misc stuff...

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If you can get downtown Carlisle go to the Hamilton restruant for breakfast or dinner. I think they open at 6 and close at 9. Real good and generous helpings. Great milkshakes. hot dogs, ham, Hamburger steak, etc. The onion rings are great and plenty of them with you order.

They are located on High Street where it crosses Hanover Street. Going away from the show grounds, proceed on Hanover until you come to High. Court House is on far kitty corner. Turn right on High, Hamilton restruant is on the far end of the block at the first stop light. It is run by Greeks (who know how to run a restaurant!) and the help hustles. My group have been going there for years and years.

On the end of "K" row near the school and gates there is a vendor who sells great frinch fries. Try them.

Take plenty of money with you. You can't ever tell what you will find and since the missus luv2 is not with you buy whatever your heart's desire. dance

Have a good time and if you see something that is a bargain, buy it. It probably won't be there when you come back looking for it. Remember: Money is just a detail. Take at least 3-4 K cash. You don't have to spend any of it but if you arn't well heeled you will feel like any asking price it way too much. Not being well heeled will strongly deminish you enjoymeent of the show. Will too!


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Thanks Charlie...

think i found your locations wink he said they go into town a night or two to grab a bite to eat, i agreed i need REAL food !! substance

look at my picts and see if i got your locations correct.

since we are staying offsite camping, i think we will be near Clay st,outside gate 1 by the fire station and and school. so says Carlisle events. not sure never been.

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Charlie Food K.PNG Charlie Fries K.PNG Charlie Hamilton R.PNG Charlie Hamilton R2.PNG

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Yes! That's it. You nailed it!

The ham is always good, as well as the HB steak, the tender loins are a bit tough, I don't get them. Hot dogs are good. Milk shakes are good. Get the "black and white" at least once. Breakfast will hold you until supper time.

If you go up interstate 81 stop at the apple farm just before leaving VA. You will be coming up on an underpass on 81. You will need to get off there and turn left over the bridge. Apple farm is just down the road and at the big white house. Good prices and great fresh apples. Bill Hines is the owner best I recall. Great people.

Take good shoes. Lots of walking. Carry some quarters for the port-a-johns. There is a bath hous/bathroom building two rows in front of the food court. Food court's last place on the right facing the food vendors is best. The ham, cheese, egg in the morning is good.

Wednesday is a good day for looking around for treasures. I hope you get there in time.


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do you remember the NAME of that food truck by chance ?!?

if we leave early (lol) like he wants to we should be there around lunch time. not sure how often he likes to stop, break, etc... i get up and go and do NOT stop. plan on going up 95 to 17 then out to Winchester onto 81 into West Virginia, Maryland, then into Pennsylvania

hoping for a good time

apple place off of 81 on rt 669 past the Flying J (truck Stop) BIG WHITE HOUSE WAY BACK OFF THE ROAD ON THE DIRT DRIVE ?!?

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Sounds right on the apple place. I remember now, his name is Bill Cline. Not Hines. But "oops" are in order. I forgot that this is not apple season. Sorry. Count on doing it in the Fall. I'll be going then also.

I think you can make almost make the same time by taking I-66 to I-81after US-17 splits off toward Winchestor as you can using US-17 on and climbing that heap of a mountain. Vehicle owners call. Easier on vehicle to just stay on I-66.

Behave and best,

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Originally Posted by 41specialdeluxe
Food court's last place on the right facing the food vendors is best. The ham, cheese, egg in the morning is good.

I agree on that !!!


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thanks guys, think the last time i came home via 81 to WInchester, then onto 50 to Paris, VA then jumped on 17, then 17/66, then 17 then 95 was a nice easy BEAUTIFUL drive from Hershey. very little traffic.

should be heading out in the morning, after work today, plan on packing up and getting things in order.

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Hey you go to the car show or go just to eat!!??? Sounds like you've got the good places all mapped out! Billu38

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WAIT there is a car show there ?!?
i thought it was a food convention !! geesh

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I know about the auction and car caroll but don't know anything about a car show.

A food convention? Well, if you don't need any thing for your car then the event turns into a food convention. What else? drool dance


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ok back home from Carlisle... we ended camping right by gate 3 that was nice

arrived wednesday around 3pm, set up camper and then hit the fields
walked the front corner talked to some people etc...

thursday was a full blown field tour, walked every aisle and scanned the goods
only thing i ended up getting was a few signs, stickers, and a few small tools
it was cloudy and sprinkeld on and off throughout the day

friday was wet early am, then stopped around 10ish we cruised the car corral
friday afternoon the winds picked up and storm rolled in, thunder and lightning !!
temps dropped into the 40's

saturday got up packed up and headed out .. took the scenic tour home

here is a shot of the food truck outside the gate you described, they server burgers, dogs, bbq, brisket... had me a ggb sandwich was pretty good.

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here are a few shots from the campsite we were in, we were right outside the gate and by 76 Turnpike, so you could listed to all the trucks go by and cruise the rumble strips all night :)

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a few shots on and around the swap meet fields....

wednesday was a quieter day, people were out but not packed, thursday as packed, and friday even more people were out !!

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here are a few from the car corral walk

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car corral

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last of the car corral

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overall i enjoyed my venture, and hanging out with friends and making new ones....

good event, ok weather, but endured it all

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