To All,
Soooooooooooo, you are thinking about changing that old, tired, starting-to-crack trunk weatherstripping on your car. What's that you have no plans of repainting your car? Well then, you better plan on many many many many hours of adhesive removing and very very very sore fingers!
I'm sure that before you dive right in to this project, you will do exactly what I'll research the proper procedure to tackle this project.
Reputable weatherstrip suppliers will give several suggestions for proper removal. Since I don't have much use for a hair dryer any longer.....I thought that I would take their advice and gently heat the underside of the trunk. The adhesive is still laughing at my futile attempt.
I then went to Plan B. I used the 3M adhesive release agent that is recommended by the reputable suppliers. This is supposed to release the weatherstrip from the adhesive to make the rubber removal easier. I followed all 3M directions very carefully. Ha!
I then went to Plan C. I also used the 3M adhesive remover. Again, I followed the 3M directions very carefully. Ha Ha!
By now, I have used more than 3 M's....if you get my drift!
I then went to Plan D. Get the home arsenal out! Now, besides the two 3M products, I have the mineral spirits and the WD40 right at my side. Ha Ha Ha!
Here are some interesting statistics and observations:
1. For each rag-rubbing pass over the adhesive you will only remove 1/1000th of the mess.
2. Thus, for every 1000 passes over a given small area, you finally get to the clean paint.
3. After four 3 hour sessions (12 hours) you will finally be about two-thirds done with the removal, but the area closest to the rear window still remains....can you say sore back.
4. Just like some people I know, for each year the original adhesive gets older, the more stubborn it gets!
5. Even if done in a well ventilated area, do this removal 3 hours before going to bed....the fumes will help you sleep!
I still have more fun ahead.....any suggestions!
John :confused: