Here is the solution:
a. Go get a good new battery. Something like Interstate. The costiler the better. The price between a good one and a poor one is chump change.
B. Take the starter off. Put a new one on or take it apart and sand the commetater and install new brushes. See if the armature is dragging by looking at the fields and the bushings. If so replace the bushings.
c. Get a new set of points and condenser.
d. Clean the spark plugs or put in new ones.
e. Always park on a 10 degree slope or take a JNC booster with you. With everything but the ignition off, it will spin that old sucker and not hurt anything. It it catches on fire, throw gasoline on it so that its demise is realized quickly. Then go buy yourself a 41. Something of which you can be proud. No more enlisting bystanders to help push it. Embarassing.
f. Skip the parades. Always drive, if you have to, without stopping anywhere. Make the stop once you have it back home.
g. Owing to the no overheat whilst right pocking along in a parade means there is something wrong with the cooling system or the temp needle. Quit driving the car. Just look at it now and only now and then to see if its still there.
Follow TonyW's advice and you'll be chasing you tail.

Do a load test? Really. (Does Roo really taste just like chicken? Hmmm)
You're welcome.