Wondering if anyone has seen a Maroon blackout car, if so what color was the grille/belt moldings? I am wondering if they would be a lighter color like a salmon/pink-ish color...like these dark colored blackouts that have a lighter color(except for the beige one which has a darker color)...
![[Linked Image from i1146.photobucket.com]](http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o535/Betobailey/20170914_105007_zpspq8zh0x8.jpg)
Or if perhaps a maroon blackout would have had silver/grey grille/moldings similar to this black car...
![[Linked Image from i1146.photobucket.com]](http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o535/Betobailey/20170914_105142_zpsf0qn0kcd.jpg)
Thanks for any information! Hoping someone has seen a maroon blackout car for reference on the trim color.