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For those of you that haven't heard the news yet, The Southern Ontario Canada Region will be hosting the 2018 Central Meet. We are excited to invite all of you up to the beautiful Kawartha Lakes area of Ontario Canada for a week of VCCA touring and a judged VCCA show. Last week the planning committee for the meet conducted our own "Planning Tour" to get ourselves acquainted with the area and to make some local contacts. We also stayed at the host hotel, the Comfort Inn in Peterborough. I'm pleased to say we were extremely satisfied with both the venue and the service from the hotel. On Monday morning I met my navigator for the week, Randy Pettitt at Tim Horton's in Bolton. We then met up with our Central Meet Chairperson, Maggie Ross, & Paul Rozon,(1931roadster, here on Chat) and Les & Bev Gadjacs. I had a route planned that took us on backroads up over the "city" of Southern Ontario. We ducked through the Holland Marsh agricultural area, always neat to see with it's blacker than black soil, and neat rows of veggies. Our first u-turn of the day found us at a lunch stop in Holland Landing. A nice little family restaurant. Good food, cheap price, and friendly service. ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Peterborough%20Planning%20June%202017/IMG_2660.jpg) That's my '51, Paul & Maggie's '65 Nova SS, and Les & Bev's '61 Impala. Our first stop of the day was at Bay Ridges Classic Chevy to drum up some local info, support, etc. John O'Hare runs a nice little parts business out of a decent shop in his backyard, as well as another business in Dundas Ontario. He was very interested in our meet next year, and we look forward to supporting each other in the future. If you're looking for Vintage Chevy Parts in Southern Ontario, check him out... http://bayridgesclassicchevy.comIn his driveway was this nice little '55 sedan. Don't be fooled at a stop light... there's a 409 under the hood... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Peterborough%20Planning%20June%202017/IMG_2665.jpg)
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Last edited by brewster; 06/16/17 09:55 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Last edited by brewster; 06/16/17 10:00 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Supper was at the cruise night... a nice selection of burgers and dogs grilled by the Lions Club members. Afterwards it was a quick drive back to the hotel to play some six handed Euchre. Ladies against the men... we had to trade Randy to the ladies and renamed him Rhonda to have the numbers be even! I can't remember who won, so it must have been the ladies! Tuesday morning we decided to get an early jump on the day. Breakfast at 7:30 in the hotel lobby. Les decided to wipe his car off, and that pretty much ruined everything as far as the weather went! It poured rain! Our first job was to drive through town past a couple of parks that are possible show sites. One was an abandoned factory on a grass lot... but the grass was knee high and unkept. No telling what was in the grass so it was out. (Maggie & Paul had researched the sites using google satellite photos, so that's why we had to check it out at ground level) The next park we looked at would have been excellent, but came with a $1000 rental fee, and would possible have active baseball games happening while we are there. That's out too! We'll keep looking... Maggie had a 10:00 appointment to sign a deal with the banquet facility. We'll be hosted by the Navel club for our opening and closing banquets. A nice hall with great food at a reasonable price. The club is surrounded by trees, rivers, and a parklike setting. ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Peterborough%20Planning%20June%202017/IMG_2688.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Peterborough%20Planning%20June%202017/IMG_2687.jpg) Afterwards we headed out to visit some hopeful sponsorship candidates around town. We received positive vibes from a couple places and will be working with them to form a plan to work together. Our next stop was out to visit the site of one of our major sponsors. For those of you that plan these bigger events, you know that one of the biggest problems when picking the host location is finding a facility that has enough parking for 60-100 Chevrolets, tow vehicles, and trailers. Often we are limited in which hotels we use due to this. Our group has been relieved of this pressure by the generous donation of a FREE parking lot by nearby Flemming Collage. A huge thank you to both Flemming Collage and Maggie for putting this deal together for us. We had places that offered to rent us lots that were nowhere near as nice, or secure, to use. The Flemming Collage lot is big enough to house all of our non-hotel parking needs and is also big enough to host the show date if our primary sites don't work out.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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While we were out looking at the lot the skies started to clear up. We convinced Les to stop trying to wipe his car off, as that was what was causing the rain! We decided to head out of town into the Kawartha Lakes area. A beautiful cottage area of the province, surrounded by lakes and rivers that are all connected by the Trent-Severn Canal. It was up to Bobcaygeon ( Yes, THAT Bobcaygeon, if you're a Tragically Hip fan! ) and then over to Fenlon Falls. We made a stop to see if we could book the tour into see what's kept in this old barn. I'm not going to spill any beans about what's in here... you'll have to join us to find out! All I can say is that the brochure looks great, and hopefully we are able to include it on the tour. ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Peterborough%20Planning%20June%202017/IMG_2694.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Peterborough%20Planning%20June%202017/IMG_2695.jpg) In Fenlon Falls we made an ice-cream stop. Kawartha Dairy ice-cream is the local treat up here, so there's no way we could decline...right? Afterward we headed back to the hotel, where we tried out the Kelsey's restaurant that is attached to the hotel. Great food and service. We're going to make them busy for the week next year!
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Makes me want to start packing my bags now. Hope to be there.
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Don't forget your Pass Port. Wouldn't want to leave you in Canada.
See you Touring the Back Roads
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Good point, Jim... Lots of time to get your passports ready and review the rules for crossing the border. Remember to leave the firearms at home, as most disagreements up here are solved with a very Canadian "I'm sorry"! Also remember to check out what your duty free spending allows. You Americans get to knock 35-40% off the price of everything just based on the exchange rate to start with. Besides the local Kawartha shopping, most of you will also be driving past some huge outlet malls just off of the 401 on the way north. (Don't let the wife read that!)
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Wednesday morning and it looked like it is going to be a beautiful day. Our goal today was to check out two of the tour options, and another possible show field. We headed into downtown Peterborough and made our first stop at a large museum. I'm not going to tell you what's here... you'll have to sign up to find out. A couple of our members have been on a guided tour through it before and said it was absolutely a spectacular place to see. We didn't go through, so my first visit will happen next year as well. I'm pretty excited! Here's Paul Rozon and his '65 Nova outside... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Peterborough%20Planning%20June%202017/IMG_2701.jpg) Next it was off to the waterfront area to see about the boat cruises. Peterborough is on part of the Trent-Severn waterway, a 240 mile long canal system that runs from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron. It is big enough to handle mostly small pleasure craft. The system consists of 45 different locks, including one modern engineering marvel which we will be visiting and riding in. The lift lock at Peterborough was built in 1904. For most of its life, the lock's dual lifts were the highest hydraulic boat lifts in the world, raising boats 65 ft (20 m). This was a considerable accomplishment in the first years of the 20th century, when conventional locks usually only had a 7 ft (2.1 m) rise. It runs using only gravity, the weight of the water and counter balance to lift boats out of the river in a giant tub. Part of the reason that the lift lock was built was political. At the time a federal election was taking place and in order to shore up local support the project was fast tracked. In 1896 construction was approved and contractors signed on prior to any real working drawings being ready. The government still fell, and Richard Rogers, who was concerned about his links to the former administration, only released portions of the working drawings bit by bit. It worked, allowing him to remain on the job as the main designer. The final project included many engineering firsts. It was the first lock to be built out of concrete, and at the time was the largest structure ever built in the world with unreinforced concrete. All of that, and we'll try and get you a meal on the boat cruise too! We didn't take the cruise today... another thing I'm saving for next year!
Last edited by brewster; 06/18/17 09:13 AM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Last edited by brewster; 06/18/17 09:26 AM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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I am almost renewing my passport and packing the bags but unless I win a lottery that is as close as I will get though. The other problem is I dont have a ride but considering my past experience in America north of the equator I doubt that is a real issue anyway. Tony
1938 1/2 ton Hope to drive it before I retire
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Tony...and any other International Members: I'm sure we can find you a ride or seven in the back seats if you're able to make it. I've back/front seat hopped while on tour before, and it is also a great way to tour. Meet new people and experience different cars. I one did 4 cars in an afternoon, and even got to drive one for 50 miles!
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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We got back to the hotel on Wednesday evening and got cleaned up for dinner. The Short's and Craig's came into town to join us once again. We headed down the street to "Ricki's". Great food and fantastic company. There is certainly a lot of food options in Peterborough!
After dinner we headed back to the hotel for an update meeting as to where we stand and what needs to be done. We've accomplished a lot, with much more to come.
Thursday morning it was up for breakfast, then on our way back to Bolton. Don & Judy headed out to look up a couple of campgrounds for those that camp. We were back in Bolton around noon. The grass did nothing but grow while I was gone...
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Brewster That is the type of hospitality I was referring to. The big problem is the getting there on currently very restricted finances. The want to is not lacking. There are a lot of other events going on over/up there I would like to attend by are very unlikely to happen due to lack of funds. Tony
1938 1/2 ton Hope to drive it before I retire
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Backyard Mechanic
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Looks like a GREAT venue for the 55th Central Meet! Plans are to sit down and talk to Maggie, you and others at the Central Meet in Elmira New York in July to see how we can assist to make this Central Meet and event to remember.
Dave Cufr Area 7a Director
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Excellent! We'll take any of the help and experience we can get!
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Shade Tree Mechanic
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keep up the good work,looks like shaping up to be a good one. I hope to make it. I too would be able to haul a few folks around
Last edited by Impalaman; 06/23/17 12:11 AM.
Brad Adcock Director NIR of VCCA 1960 Impala Sport Sedan 1962 Impala Sport Coupe
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This sounds like it will be a good time!! I'll be making reservations soon! Hey one more not really related question. In the replys previous to my text there are what I am perceiving pictures. However what I am seeing is the message to update my account to receive these photos thru photo bucket. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
Last edited by TerryWatson; 10/14/17 08:20 PM.
Don't let a day go by that you don't attempt to learn something new.
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Photo bucket has ruined my life. It used to be a free service to link photos from my account to this forum. Now they want $400 a year for this "privilege". I'm not paying them, hence the notification instead of the picture in all of my posts.
The best way to see the spectacular photos that were there is to attend the meet in July of 2018, and get some nice pictures yourself. We look forward to seeing everyone.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4