Why is "Price must be included" on the list of forums in the ads group for parts but not for Cars and trucks? The parts one in the initial forum all in bright, glaring letters but not Cars and Trucks. When you click on the Cars and Trucks the notice that 'Price must be included (in red) comes up.
i think this omission may cause some who place ads for Cars and Trucks to forget that the price must be included. initially the forum vor Cars and Trucks merely states "please include the price" not red "Price must be included."
And, as well, I think these two forums need some more thought. i don't know the solution but I suspect that many members post parts on ebay or Craigs list rather than here on Chatter because they don't have a clue as to something they have is worth. There they go the auction route and we miss out on the part or car.
Owing to the fact that an auction type forum would take some serious thought and that it may be a mess to handle, I have confidence that a system could be worked out so that it would be rather simple. i'm ceartinally not that smart. We need help on this. Let's hire a consultant? maybe not.
As an example, i have a brand new, in the box right parking light for a 1952. i don't have a clue what it is worth. Rather than sticking it on our for sale forum the only choice is to put it on ebay. I have other parts that fir this catagory, as well.
mainly this post right here is about the red ink.