The directions in the FAQ are pretty complicated if one's not a techy & comfortable with coding. The easy way:
1: Place your photo(s) on a hosting site such as photobucket.
2: Once you photo is on the hosting site right click on the address bar of the photo and select "copy".
3: Return to Chat and go to the place you want the photo to be in your post.
4: At the top of the text box click on the fourth icon from the left, the one that looks like rectangle with a pink triangle & two blue dots.
5: A small menu will appear asking you where you want the photo to appear. Select one of the options.
6: A small window will open with "http://" highlighted. Right click on the highlighted text and click "paste". The URL you copied in step 2 will appear in the window. Click OK. The code will appear in your post.
7: Click preview to make sure everything is right then click submit. The result will look something like this below.
![[Linked Image from]](