I realize a car serial number isn't usually a big deal and nothing to share here but I thought I would let you know anyway.
When I got my car it was literally in buckets and boxes and the metal plate containing the serial number was nowhere to be found. I still haven't found that metal plate but I did find the cars serial number with a lot of luck and a lot of reading all the material I can get my hands on about the 1923-1924 cars. Just the other day I got another load of parts that had been separated and forgotten about. Among those parts were books, manuals and correspondence from one of the previous owners. The mailed correspondence turned out to be the answer to what I was missing. In one of the envelopes was a book from "Vintage Chevrolet Club of America, J. Michael Mooney(VCCA #8219), Technical Advisor, 1923/1924 Chevrolet Motor Cars, World Roster, first edition, Dec 1976". I cross referenced the mailing address on the envelope to a listing in the book and found the exact match I was looking for and out from that was written the serial number of the car, just what I had been missing for so long. I'm just glad to have it finally.