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We head out for Hudson Ohio at 6am on Wednesday morning. Our first stop will be to join up with Paul & Maggie in Burlington at 7am. I'm pretty sure that Paul sets our meeting times earlier every time we head to the USA!! I think he's just trying to see if I can make it up in time! Tonight we sent our little alarm clock to bed early, (Abby) so hopefully she's going to go off early in the AM as well! Once again, I'm worried that this is going to be the trip that she doesn't want to sit in the truck for! She really is more aware of everything, and is going to be quick to tell us if she doesn't want to ride in the truck! I might bring ear plugs... Today I spent the day washing the truck, car and trailer. Then I spent some more time trying to fix my un-fixable brake light switch. I'm fairly certain it won't be perfect until I put a new floor in the car! I also made a phone call to Pinky Randall today, as we had previously discussed a transaction I was hoping to complete this week. This is going to be the first Central meet in 52 years that Pinky & Joyce have missed since they planned the first one in 1963! Congratulations to them on an incredible attendance streak!! We all hope to see them out next year. Anyway, follow along as my family and I head out on another VCCA adventure. Feel free to add in any comments, questions or greetings to all of the others in Hudson as well. I'm going to attempt to make it pretty photo heavy too, so stay tuned for lots of Chevy pictures!!  Brewster
Last edited by brewster; 08/14/15 09:52 PM.
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Hello brewster and others: I also will be leaving tomorrow morning. I am leaving home at 9:30am and will arrive by 10am. A little shorter trip than what you will have brewster. On the agenda for Wednesday is setting up the show field and getting everything else ready for the 52nd Central Meet. The Cuyahoga Valley Region has put in a lot of hard work getting ready for this years activities. It will be a fun event. Hope to see alot of the VCCA family there.
the toolman 60th Anniversary Meet Chairperson Dave VCCA # L 28873 VCCA #83 Tool Technical Advisor for 1914-1966 VCCA #83 1940 Chevrolet Technical Advisor
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Well, our little alarm clock didn't go off this morning. It felt like sweet redemption when we had to go in and wake her up for a change! Ha! She was grumpy about it too... for about 10 minutes. I loaded up the truck with Abby's stuff, then loaded the car when it was light enough to see (about 5:30am), and we hit the road at 6:00am. ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5927.jpg) About 15 minutes down the road, this was happening in the back seat... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5930.jpg) She slept most of the way to Paul and Maggie's place, and we arrived right at exactly 7:00am. Perfect timing! We were quickly away and hurrying to the border to beat the rush. We must have planned something right, because both of us were first in our respective lines (I had to go to the R.V. / trailer line) and made it through quickly. Our first stop was for some cheap American fuel. Paul picked the gas station with the steepest curb/hill in front of it that he could find in an attempt to make me rip the licence plate off of the back of the trailer. What an entrance...Scraaaaaaape!!! A quick stop at a Tim Horton's, and we were on our way. Paul had the Garmin set to speak Hungarian today, and it decided to send us on a tour of beautiful downtown Lackawanna! At one point we were headed down a cobblestone street that ended in the middle of an active railway line, then we needed to hop over a curb to find our way back onto what Municipal Lackawanna passes for a roadway! We hit route 5 and 20 that wind their way west along the southern shore of Lake Erie. What a beautiful day, and a beautiful drive. Abby was awake the whole time, and was so happy! We sang a lot of Sharon Lois & Bram songs. She got a bit fussy a couple of times, and Jane would hop into the back seat and play the fun right back into her! I love small town Americana, and the scenes like this one of the tidy neighbourhoods with patriotic flags... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5936.jpg) We stopped for lunch around noon at Applebee's just outside of Erie PA. Paul and Abby browsed over the drink menu... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5937.jpg) After lunch we decided to put some faster miles on by hitting the Interstate. ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5938.jpg)
Last edited by brewster; 07/22/15 10:52 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Last edited by brewster; 07/22/15 10:48 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Thanks brewster for the great pictures at the Central Meet. Thursday is the day to ride the train thru the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The weather is expected to be picture perfect. Will this be Abby's first train ride?
the toolman 60th Anniversary Meet Chairperson Dave VCCA # L 28873 VCCA #83 Tool Technical Advisor for 1914-1966 VCCA #83 1940 Chevrolet Technical Advisor
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It'll be her first train ride, Dave. She's pretty excited! She was up at 5:30 for it!
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Another beautiful day here in Hudson Ohio! Don Williams was put in charge of ordering the weather and so far has done a spectacular job! This morning I spent some quality time with a fussy little girl that didn't want to sleep at 530am. I guess it was payback for yesterday morning. Things smoothed out around 8:00am when we got to breakfast and she found out there was a train set to play with. Barry Staples spent some time letting her know what she was in for today... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5972.jpg) Our tour over to catch the Cuyahoga Valley Railway's train was a short ride.I've been to Ohio a few times and have seen nothing but Interstate Highways, so it was a pleasant surprise to see some beautiful Ohio scenery. We all helped pretty up their parking lot as well... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5973.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5974.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5975.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5976.jpg) After a short wait our ride arrived... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5983.jpg)
Last edited by brewster; 07/23/15 10:23 PM.
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The train was a nice ride through the valley. Abby played social butterfly until she could barely keep her eyes open anymore. She hung out with her Uncle Dave again for a while. He really makes her and Pat Staples smile and laugh! ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5992.jpg) Abby & Jane ended up leaving the train early to have a nap. (That's girl code for "rest up for shopping") When I got back to the hotel we had a judges meeting and an area Director's meeting. By the time that was finished Abby had a new dress, shoes, and a popcorn ball popper! The evening consisted of a nice dinner, singing entertainment, and raffle draws. I won a $2 bill. Are these things even legit, or are they like Canadian Tire money?? I'll get the bartender to tell me tomorrow night! After dinner I went out and washed off the car for tomorrow's big show... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_5996.jpg)
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Today was the big day... Show Day!! I was up at 7:00am for the judges breakfast. My team is going to be doing the Class judging for 1942-1957. We had 8 cars to judge. Barry's '57 is on the list. Had I known that, I would have worked him over a little harder for a free dinner yesterday! I won't go into specific details on the specific cars we judged, as I feel that is between the owners and their score cards... but I will say that we saw 8 really beautiful Chevrolets. I felt way more comfortable judging the exteriors of the cars then I did doing the trucks two years ago. The day was really hot and sunny, and I ended up with a bit of sun. All worth it! I also have had the pleasure of meeting a few more Chat guys today. A great talk with "Hawkeye" who I've been comparing restoration pics and notes with as he tackles his '50 hardtop. Great to finally meet you in person! On to the cars... Andy Jurski's ( Formerly Ken Lister's, and formerly Jim Hickman's) 1951 Deluxe Convertible... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6000.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6012.jpg) Our VCCA President, Mary & Roger James' 1942 Blackout Aerosedan... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6054.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6030.jpg) Greg Barlage's (formerly Bill Barlage's) 1932 Deluxe Phaeton... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6031.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6032.jpg)
Last edited by brewster; 07/24/15 10:53 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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1947 Fleetline Aerosedan with Country Club wood package... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6055.jpg) 1928 Cabriolet... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6018.jpg) 1949 Deluxe Convertible... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6011.jpg) 1953 BelAir Hardtop... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6003.jpg) Dave Cufr's 1928 Jalopy... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6001.jpg) Jurski's 1931 Cabriolet... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6005.jpg)
Last edited by brewster; 07/27/15 02:17 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Row of CDPC Class cars... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6035.jpg) Row of 49-53 Class judging... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6037.jpg) 3 H-4 Baby Grand's in attendance... L-R, Don Williams' 1914, Verle Wetherwax's 1914, and Scott Taylor's 1915... ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6046.jpg)
Last edited by brewster; 07/27/15 03:01 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Great pictures brewster and the weather has been just great. Saturday we have our Plaque Tour. I look forward to more pictures.
the toolman 60th Anniversary Meet Chairperson Dave VCCA # L 28873 VCCA #83 Tool Technical Advisor for 1914-1966 VCCA #83 1940 Chevrolet Technical Advisor
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Brewster,thank you for sharing....Do you here 41-48 coming???
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Did they announce when and where the Fifty Third Central Meet will be held? If so please share the info.
See you Touring the Back Roads
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I think they said Reservations could be made after Aug 10 or 11, along in there.
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Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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The farm was a nice history and agricultural lesson. We also had a picnic lunch of pulled pork sandwiches. Some of the buildings were cooler to be in then others, as the sun was now really out! Jane and I decided to head back to the hotel a little early, as we now had a fussy little girl on our hands. When we got to the hotel, Abby and I went for a swim. That cheered her up, but it still didn't result in an afternoon nap like I thought it would. The banquet was set for 530pm. Our Canadian contingent was joined by Don and Liz Williams for supper. The food was excellent, the awards were handed out and appreciated, and the evening was a resounding success! This was the first time in 52 Central meets that it was attended by a VCCA president, and 3 Past Presidents. Past Presidents, Don Williams, Mike Jones, and Dave Miner with new President Mary James...
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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Sunday morning... the last day always depresses me! We wake up to the hotel half empty, as the short distance people leave the night before. (It was also quieter... we must be in Ohio, right ChevyGuru and The Toolman?  ) We met the Staples' and Rozon's for breakfast and decided we were going to go our separate ways for the way home. Paul wanted to take the secondary roads driving his '53, and Barry was going to hit the Interstate. Jane wanted to make some shopping stops in Niagara Falls, and we thought the Interstate would keep us moving before Abby got restless in the truck. Out in the lot, the cars were all loaded the previous night. My circle check revealed a tail light that didn't want to work on the trailer. I spent some time trying to fix it, but couldn't. The wiring all runs through the boxed frame, and I think I've got a worn wire in there. ![[Linked Image from i521.photobucket.com]](http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w335/justjane72/Central%20Meet%202015%20Hudson%20Ohio/IMG_6091_zpsuyirhita.jpg) ![[Linked Image from i521.photobucket.com]](http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w335/justjane72/Central%20Meet%202015%20Hudson%20Ohio/IMG_6090_zpsidirdfaq.jpg) We made really good time, and were at Dunkirk NY for lunch. A short time later we were at the outlets. My wife is more in her element there! ![[Linked Image from i521.photobucket.com]](http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w335/justjane72/Central%20Meet%202015%20Hudson%20Ohio/IMG_6100_zpsct5or4lw.jpg) Another 2 hours and we were home in Bolton.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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A great big HUGE "Thank You" to The 52nd Central Meet Chairman, Hugh Fiebig, and his Cuyahoga Valley Region for putting on a spectacular week. Chief Judge, Dale Carter, and his judging team really had their work cut out for them this week. Thank you to everyone that brought, displayed, and toured their cars. There were so many beautiful Chevrolets & GMC's on the show field. Best of Show, 4 Cylinder... Verle & Sharon Weatherwax, 1915 Baby Grand touring (on the left of the picture) ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6015.jpg) Best of Show, 6 Cylinder... Lloyd & Marjorie Henige, 1939 Coupe-pickup ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6028.jpg) Best of Show, 8 Cylinder... Paul Svatik, 1976 Corvette ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/11791236_10205825881823520_69322492_o.jpg) HPOCF Best of show... Mike McFarland, 1957 Belair 2 dr HT ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6041.jpg) Commercial Best of Show... Jim & Barb Morningstar, 1951 GMC Suburban ![[Linked Image from i150.photobucket.com]](http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/brewsterg6/VCCA%20Central%20Meet%202015/IMG_6004.jpg) Stay tuned for the next journal in September for the 6 cylinder tour!
Last edited by brewster; 07/28/15 02:19 PM.
Those accustomed to the finest...find it in Chevrolet. 1953 Belair Convertible 1951 2dr Deluxe Sedan 2015 GMC SLE 4X4
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What an excellent travel-log. It felt like I was there.
Wish that I was there. Maybe I need to figure out HOW to be there.
Thanks again.
--Bill Barker
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How about publishing the Judging Results? Years ago it was published in the G & D.
See you Touring the Back Roads
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[quote=brewster]A great big HUGE "Thank You" to The 52nd Central Meet Chairman, Hugh Fiebig, and his Cuyahoga Valley Region for putting on a spectacular week.
Chief Judge, Dale Carter, and his judging team really had their work cut out for them this week. Thank you to everyone that brought, displayed, and toured their cars. There were so many beautiful Chevrolets & GMC's on the show field.
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Bruce -
What a great travel journal of the 52nd Central Meet!! Thanks for taking the time to post all the great pictures and a summary of events.
The Best of Show 8 Cylinder car is a 1976 Corvette owned by Paul Svatik.
Dale Carter VCCA #8661 1948 Fleetmaster Convertible 1948 RHD Stylemaster Sedan Delivery 1948 1-Ton Tow Truck 1967 Camaro Coupe
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Bruce, As usual you put together a great journal of the event. Great to see since I was unable to make it. Thanks,
Brad Adcock Director NIR of VCCA 1960 Impala Sport Sedan 1962 Impala Sport Coupe