The MAY issue of Hemmngs has an article telling what the various years of fuel pumps fit what as far as older 6 cylinder Chytsler products fuel pumps go.
One intresting note. They say the 1936-1954 DeSoto and Chrysler, 1933-1954 Dodge and Plymouth, 1933-60 Dodge truck (except P series) also fits 1929-1933 Chevrolet.
Would be intresting to give this a try.The old, old pot metal castings for the Chevrolet fuel pumps are often full of cracks. Here you could purchase a fresh new pump for a low price and have a dependable new fuel pump. May not look exactly the same as the original but would be great for a spare if nothing else.
Last edited by Chev Nut; 03/31/15 10:37 PM.