Jim only difference between a 1934 std and a 1935 standard is the frame: 34 is a K member and the 35 has the much stronger X member. The rad ornament is also different.
Back in 1979 I purchased a NOS gas tank cover panel for my 35 3 window coupe. It had all the holes across the top , which I assume was for fender welt. This would be to mask any differences in the mating edge shape of the body and the gas tank cover .
I found that the welting moved the cover out away from the bumper braces mounting ***cast brackets*** in the frame. Enough that doing up the bumper brace bolts would crush the cover in that area and distort it. You would have to place washers between the frame cast brackets and the gas tank cover panel.
To keep the welting in place I used a trim bolt with a flat 1/2" long top.
The gas tank cover toooooo the fenders is adjusted thru the 3 slots on the side that match up with the fender.
There is also a special bracket that mounts on the factory frame about 7" from the end, that supports both the fender and the gas tank cover panel. I actually had these reproduced with a flo jet cutter and brake . They sell for $15.00 a pair plus shipping by postal.
You need the running boards loosely mounted along with fenders and gas tank cover to align everything.
mike lynch