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"Parts For Sale" ads continue to be posted all over Chevy Chatter. I thought the "Parts For Sale thread" was to be used for listing parts.
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dandyd, What you say is true but I sometimes list a part on the year it is for as well as parts for sale to be sure to get their attention. Someone might only look in the year of their vehicle.
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Mr. Back Roads 
1956 BEL AIR 2 DOOR HARDTOP I've spent most of my money on Booze,Women and mechanical things. The rest I just Wasted........
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That is also true of posting in the year forums and the technical sections by function. You might get a response in one forum and none in the other simply because some people only view certain forums. I agree with Backroads about listing in both forums, however I do think the posting in the year forum should only reference the for sale posting rather than repeat it.
Last edited by m006840; 04/08/13 09:42 AM.
Steve D
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As a moderator on another site there needs to be an FYI in here somewhere that most forums frown on double posting. The one I moderate certainly does.
As a point of clarification the practice of posting in a second forum just to announce that there are parts for sale listed in the correct forum would be less frowned on than two threads that are exactly the same but the announcement thread would likely be moved or deleted at the discretion of the moderator.
Last edited by Tiny; 04/08/13 11:30 AM.
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If we are needing/looking for parts/cars, why not start with viewing those columns, not mixing up such ads with the technical stuff? 
Solan G, # 32797
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You have all had your say and it seems it is ok for to just continue and continue ragging on about the misplaced post. I just joined this chat site and regret posting parts ( "omg the humanity" in the wrong place) for my friend and found out the hard way that site is not exactly user friendly. He wanted to start out slow offering the initial items ( I spared him your reactions). He has a treasure trove of items from 1919 to 1928 that include steering wheels/ doors /fenders /motors, transmissions, heads/ radiators/ steering columns/ distributors just to name a tenth of what I have seen. But to be honest the majority of you, your petty postings are so parochial that it is difficult witnessing grown men (I assume) acting so uncontrollably. I will expect this will not go to rest soon and that is sad. L.F. P.S. , i hope you didn't get burned in the last seen during the filming of "Frankenstein".
Last edited by MyChevrolets; 04/09/13 03:20 PM.
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You have all had your say and it seems it is ok for to just continue and continue ragging on about the misplaced post. I just joined this chat site and regret posting parts ( "omg the humanity" in the wrong place) for my friend and found out the hard way that site is not exactly user friendly. He wanted to start out slow offering the initial items ( I spared him your reactions). He has a treasure trove of items from 1919 to 1928 that include steering wheels/ doors /fenders /motors, transmissions, heads/ radiators/ steering columns/ distributors just to name a tenth of what I have seen. But to be honest the majority of you, your petty postings are so parochial that it is difficult witnessing grown men (I assume) acting so uncontrollably. I will expect this will not go to rest soon and that is sad. L.F. P.S. , i hope you didn't get burned in the last seen during the filming of "Frankenstein". As a mod who has to deal with double postings on another site I'm willing to discuss this if you're done with the name calling. Please send me a PM when/if you want to discuss this calmly.
VCCA Member 43216 Save a life, adopt a senior shelter pet. 1938 HB Business Coupe 1953 210 Sedan
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If we are needing/looking for parts/cars, why not start with viewing those columns, not mixing up such ads with the technical stuff?  That's what I do, browse the sales ads and posted a wanted ad... Now someone just needs to list the parts I'm looking for! 
Joe & Ellen King 29 Roadster 52 Fleetline 2dr 56 Nomad 69 Camaro RS 73 Nova SS Skytop
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MrChevrolets, I hope you will reflect on the matter and school your feelings. All the members on the chat welcome you and hope that you will get the most out of experience. I have been raked over the coals myself (more times than i choose to count!).  Always for my errors. Those who have counseled me (and others) have had the best interest of the site in mind. There are, however, rules that need to be and should be followed. Without trying to abide by some semblance of order, then we would be experiencing chaos (read: a mess).  Thus, the moderators, and others, may seem to be a little over the top at times. Not many of us are expert wordsmiths enough to always avoid having our written word convey untended meaning and consequences. I wish that didn't happen but it does. This is a great site. Please stay and work with us and enjoy the ride. With best regards, Charlie 
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"Parts For Sale" ads continue to be posted all over Chevy Chatter. I thought the "Parts For Sale thread" was to be used for listing parts. HOW ABOUT THIS FOR A NEW THOUGHT.........why not have the FOR SALE AND wanted SECTIONS as you enter and start reading from the top, those 2 first. Then the other threads/stuff as normal. Maybe those 2 sections are getting buried down there and the sellers in their unearthly haste to list stuff , just start spraying it all over the place. My comment still stands that after making 29 previous posts in this chat, the poster of the offending for sale post should know better. parochial eh ? mike 
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I just hit "active topics" when I log in. That way it pulls up anything we've posted...Joe
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Posting in the correct forum is the most important part of this site. I've seen several first time posters being warned about being in the wrong area on several occasions.Not so much as a WELCOME before the correction process begins.This is a very heavily moderated forum.You might as well get use to it. It has great information and many friendly posters but never forget that posting in the wrong area is a very serious matter.One incorrect post can cause a flood of posts talking about whether it should be allowable or not.It can get a little nasty if you encounter the wrong moderator. It got so bad that the moderators won't even take credit for moving your post, which they used to do.So to stop the sassing back at the moderator they just omitted that part. There are alot of benefits to being on this site but there are alot of hassles as well. 
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For reference and perspective:This is a small forum. We are not eBay, or Craig's List, for example. We try to keep the technical discussions in the year groups, and parts for sale and wanted in the Classified group. The Classified feature is NOT OUR PRIME purpose for existing. (Remember eBay?) And that is precisely why it is buried in the middle of the listing of forums. Now, since we are small, most folks BEGIN their viewing visit by clicking on ACTIVE TOPICS at the top. That is usually a sufficient way to catch up from a previous visit. But if you are ONLY interested in stuff for sale, then you should go to the FOR SALE forum. If you don't want to scroll down, then enter a SEARCH parameter (example: the year). It's a waste of system resources to post the same AD twice, once in the For Sale forum and again in a year group. Remember - we are small. So that might give you some insight why folks would rather see FOR SALE postings in the FOR SALE forum. Yes, the Moderators may be a tad quick to move topics but they are just trying to keep the garage clean. As you know it's easier to clean up as you go along. And, we are all 100% volunteers, so we try to be consistent as best we can. Good luck to everyone. If you find that you don't like how this is structured, please remove us from your FAVORITES list. That way everyone will stay happy. Life offers many choices. Don't be afraid to select yours.No ill-will intended. Just practical advice (ala Will Rogers ). 
Bill Barker Previous VCCA CHAT Administrator (VCCA Member: 9802)
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![[Linked Image from i1091.photobucket.com]](http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i385/1928isgreat/tumblr_mhyrtpWYA71rxgp5ko1_500_zps35dc3f41.jpg) Guys we are only talking about old cars, lets not get too serious.
Some say "Street is neat". I prefer "1928 is great" I have documented my 45 years with a 1928 Chev Tourer, from 1973 to 2018, and regulary add other items that I hope are of interest to others. Your comments are most welcome.The story of the Red Chev can be viewed at http://my28chev.blogspot.com/
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I think wawuzit has pointed out a situation we should all take note of and that is that the "welcome" message should be the first message a first time poster receives. The ability to redirect the poster to the correct forum without causing a major fuss does require some tact. While I do agree it's important for posters to follow guidelines and post accordingly, I also think if it is a major constant problem then we need to review the format we are using. There will always be some that are unable/or unwilling to follow directions.
Steve D
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Backyard Mechanic
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Gidday Fellas Found this contraption a few months back and it has come in very handy when looking in from time to time on certain sections of the forum and at certain threads... You wanna get yourselves one. ![[Linked Image from i710.photobucket.com]](http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww107/grant81/images6_zps50eb85aa.jpg)
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I have been hoping that this discussion would turn into something productive -- but it hasn't. So I'm going to lock it.
Guys, we are trying to figure out how to PAY for an upgrade to this forum. It's become apparent to me that an alternative, might be to just REDUCE the amount of non-value traffic.
Sorry, but we're not one of those big time Boards where we spam our pages with hundreds of advertisers. Therefore we need to be careful with our usage so that we aren't forced to upgrade to $1,000 a month fees.
If you want to just BS about "stuff" why don't you do it on someone else's dime (and their Board) -- then come back here when you want to talk Chevrolets. We welcome all discussions on THAT topic.
Bill Barker Previous VCCA CHAT Administrator (VCCA Member: 9802)