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Backyard Mechanic
Backyard Mechanic
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Gidday Fellas, I have brought an old wooden trailer, anyone know what the guards /fenders are off and also the rims, any info would be great. Photos in the link below http://montythe1928chevrolet.blogspot.com.au/2013/02/old-timber-trailer.htmlAlso looking to purchase a pair of wooden spoke wheels and also a 26 or 27 front axle in Oz, if anyone as any info, that would be great to kick this little project along.. One more thing is towbar photos for a 1928 Chev, if you have any could you please post them up so that I can get some ideas to make one myself, any info to be great..
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Shade Tree Mechanic
Shade Tree Mechanic
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Hi Grant,
I tried to add the following to your blog as a comment, but it doesn't seem to have worked:
"Pity you are not closer. I do have a spare 25/26/27 axle, not sure without looking what I have in the way of stub axles. You should be able to find an axle and stub axles closer to home cheaper than the freight from Cairns though.
However, some years ago it was made illegal in either NSW or Queensland, wherever I was living at the time, to use a trailer fitted with a car front axle. It might pay to check whether this applies to Victoria too before starting to make any alterations.
I don't have any spare 26/27 front wheels, but I do have a couple of spare front hubs, which are interchangeable with the 28 front hubs, if you find a couple of spare 28 wheels and can't find any closer. Note, you must have 25/26/27 stub axles for these. They won't fit on 28 stub axles, but they do use the same bearings as the twenty eights if I remember correctly. You would be better off with re-hubbed 28 wheels if you can find a pair rather than the narrower felloe 26/27 wheels, because your spare rim and tire for the car could then also be used on the trailer to save carrying two spares.
My apologies if this also appears in the blog.
Last edited by AntiqueMechanic; 02/20/13 03:56 AM.
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Backyard Mechanic
Backyard Mechanic
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Why don't you just buy a new axle with 6-stud hubs and bolt the wooden spoke wheels straight on, most 6-stud 4-wheel drive wheels have the same bolt pattern.
"Never give up" Louis Chevrolet
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Backyard Mechanic
Backyard Mechanic
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Gidday Fellas, Many thanks for the info that you supplied, its all good with plenty to think about and a few good options mentioned, any feedback is good at this stage. There will be some wooden 28 wheels sitting around somewhere, just have to track em down for a good price. Thought a few towbar pictures may of got put up here from other memebers if they had one, maybe I posted in the wrong section and I should of posted in the "towbar section" or even the " fixing up a wooden trailer section", Many thanks once again fellas
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ChatMaster - 1,000
ChatMaster - 1,000
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you should have put it in the Patina section.
Some say "Street is neat". I prefer "1928 is great" I have documented my 45 years with a 1928 Chev Tourer, from 1973 to 2018, and regulary add other items that I hope are of interest to others. Your comments are most welcome.The story of the Red Chev can be viewed at http://my28chev.blogspot.com/
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Shade Tree Mechanic
Shade Tree Mechanic
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I don't know if you saw my second post in this thread, since removed at my request, asking the Moderator to remove the section of my previous post titled "Added later", and, if this was done, to remove the whole of the second post too, which then became redundant.
Unfortunately the "Added later" section supporting Chevy6's post is still there, and only my second post detailing the potential danger of Chevy6's suggestion which I realised later could lead to wheel failure, was removed. As you know, the hub on the wooden wheels not only carries the bearings, but also locates and supports the inner ends of the spokes. If the Chev hub is replaced by a trailer hub, this support is no longer there, and the spokes may work loose, leading to failure of the wheel. In retrospect, this was NOT a good idea.
Last edited by franco; 02/20/13 01:21 AM.
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Backyard Mechanic
Backyard Mechanic
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Gday Frank,
Yes, I read that earlier and it is now noted, so all is good and like I said before any info or ideas at this stage are very much welcomed so thank you for even replying.
I may hold you to the axle offer you have up there if I have no luck down around these parts of the woods, so I will keep you posted from time to time on here.
Thanks heaps