Does anyone know if Ralph McEowen is still active with early Chevy roadsters? I've seen his name mentioned a bunch of times but heard he was having some health issues and was wondering if anyone has been in touch with him.
I spoke with Ralph late last fall and purchased a bunch of odds and ends for roadsters door system from him. He said he was no longer doing any woodwork , his health is failing and he needs to rest or something to that effect. Great guy to talk too, wish i could go visit with him just to yap and talk.
I think that AAMUSCLE seller on ebay is working for or with ralph to produce so items in metal, like the washers that go for the 32-25 cowl lights on inside.
Also Dave Entler over by york PA has said he has stopped doing wood for roadsters .
these guys are in their 70's and tired. Dave has a 35 roadster unrestored there he wants to sell