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I was just about to get my mind wrapped around the shootings at the mall in Portland Oregon, when I flipped the TV on to be blasted with the news of the school shooting. IS THERE ANYTHING WE CAN DO TO STOP THIS MADNESS? 
RAY Chevradioman http://www.vccacolumbiariverregion.org/1925 Superior K Roadster 1928 Convertible, Sport, Cabriolet 1933 Eagle, Coupe 1941 Master Deluxe 5-Passenger Coupe 1950 Styleline Deluxe 4-Door Sedan 1950 Styleline Deluxe Convertible 2002 Pontiac, Montana, Passenger Van 2014 Impala, 4-Door Sedan, White Diamond, LTZ 2017 Silverado, Double Cab, Z71, 4X4, White, Standard Bed, LTZ If you need a shoulder to cry on, pull off to the side of the road. Death is the number 1 killer in the world.
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It's very sad. I guess no one has the answer because it just keeps going on. A very sad day for everyone !
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I think the real solution is to stop teaching our children that it's OK to settle differences with violence. We need to start teaching them that it's not showing weakness to be civil with each other. Today's young adults have been brought up to think it's OK to #%&*@ people up and settle differences with guns. MHO.
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Oil Can Mechanic
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 I agree, Very sad. But what can we do? Just PRAY for the people who lost anyone to this madness. If there can be an answer, It would be a complete miracle in this day and age.
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A culture of violence is going to be hard to change. There's violence on TV,Movies,Music,Books,etc.Freedom is everything to us, but it can be abused so easily. I can't see abusing freedom changing any time soon. So sad.
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Grease Monkey
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A prayer for the young innocent victims of the Connecticut elementary school shooting. We are before the umpteenth proof that Evil can strike in really inexplicable, griefsome ways, if we don't attempt to halt it. It gets to demonishly haunt and possess people's soul leading them to actions that are normally unthinkable even to the worst wicked-hearted person. Let's hope and pray for people seek the real light, for they let themself be driven from the Good, for they fight for what's fair and just and get to cherish the others more than themselves. Let's pray for the Grace of God hooks into the hearts of who search for and need for it, and that bloodsheds like the one happened today may be in future just a sad, gruesome remembrance of our past.
I spoke as human, man, and person. and, if possible i want to add a second line on that. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL, KILLERS.
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[quote=AntiqueMechanic] IS THERE ANYTHING WE CAN DO TO STOP THIS MADNESS? Our hearts go out from the other side of the world for such a senseless waste of lives, made worst by the number of young ones. We too have had our share, such as the Port Arthur Massacare in 1996, where one man killed 35 http://www.abc.net.au/archives/80days/stories/2012/01/19/3412072.htmAs a direct result the Australian Government banned semi automatic weapons. I know in the USA you have the constitutional right to bare arms. Maybe its time for a rethink?? Ray
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I think the real solution is to stop teaching our children that it's OK to settle differences with violence. We need to start teaching them that it's not showing weakness to be civil with each other. Today's young adults have been brought up to think it's OK to #%&*@ people up and settle differences with guns. MHO. I agree.. It never entered my mind to kill anyone until the U.S. Army drafted me in the army and gave me the option to kill people or GO TO JAIL. To help the arms dealers get richer .....Veteran >>ED
I was only wrong one time in my life so far. But that time I was right, and only thought I was wrong....ED
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Been there done that. A year wasted.
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Our hearts go out to the entire community particularly those directly affected.
I see two things that will help prevent similar tragedies.
One is to not publicize them for hour after hour on TV. That in a way glorifies those atrocities to a fringe segment of our population. It in my mind encourages that fringe to make their mark on society.
In some way penalize those that enable (or ignore) people that are mentally unstable or irrational. In those cases personal privacy be damned.
The knee jerk reaction is to try again to ban guns. I can assure you it will not work as the nut cases will then just make a bomb instead. Doesn't take much to make a very destructive device out of relatively common materials.
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Oil Can Mechanic
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 If you ban guns, it would be great, but it would only leave the criminal to obtain guns. Maybe stiffer laws for the shooters be needed (instant death sentance) instead of putting them in jail, which in todays standards is just a slap in there face until they get out. I'm not trying to be politcal But it just makes me mad... sorry!
Ken's 1940 Special Deluxe Sedan 1970 Cadillac Hearse
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If you're willing to lose your life in an attack on anyone...it's almost impossible to stop that person from doing it. Guns are just one of many many ways to do harm. I think the goal is to change the culture of violence. If you want to ban something, ban video games,rap songs,movies,etc. from preaching hate and showing the young people how cool it is to be in a gang or group that has power over another group. Inciting disturbance to civil unrest should be a serious crime. Freedom is not the right to harm others to gain power.
I guess this is a little off topic ..I'll stop.
Last edited by wawuzit; 12/15/12 12:12 AM.
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I agree that video games, Television, and some movies may affect some people, but at the end of the day, The poor souls who loose their lives, do it at the point of a gun.
Why The USA has this law that allows citizens to arm them selves beats me. I have a elderly friend in Florida, 14 guns in the house, never leaves the house without a concealed weapon.
Now that may be normal to you, but to the rest of the world, it aint right. If we get pulled over in OZ by the police we get out of our cars and meet them halfway. I have been told in the States, the last thing you do is get out of your car for fear of being shot.
The average Joe should not nead a weapon in his house, unless he is a farmer, and should not need to travel the streets armed. Unfortunately because its a way of life to you guys, you can see it, or want to protect it.
Again, people are shot with guns, guns are the weapons used, reduce the availability or right for people to have access to guns.
Freedom should also be the right to walk down the street or drive down the street knowing that if you bump into someone and exchange words, they wont pull a gun on you.
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President Obama, say it......say the words..... GUN CONTROL.
Wipe away the tears, turn them into action, before the next event.
I even heard a comment today from the Gun Lobby saying its regretable that someone inside the school did not have a weapon.
Sorry guys, you may have the land of Mom and Apple Pie, but common sense has left the building.
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Here's why. Before Katrina in New Orleans everything was normal, In 48 hours the entire area was turned upside down. The people not only had to fear the water damage but the other people. The crime was uncontrolled for days.Even the police were envolved. Gangs were roaming the streets stealing ,raping,and even killing anyone they pleased. The only hope you had was to have a gun to protect your family. This happen in 48 hours.If we ever have a government change by force,which many countys are doing every day,it would be the same thing. In Africa today the uncontroled raping and killing goes on everyday, Gangs are in control and nothing can help. Here there are more guns than people. That would be impossible to have happen. This is a very divided country,more so now than ever.There are hundreds of gun control laws NOW. They just don't enforce them. I'm for gun CONTROL. I don't think ANYONE needs an automatic weapon, but with the correct license you can own one. There are many more laws that should be enforced. Remember it could take 20 minutes in a normal day to get the police into your home. A lot can happen in 20 minutes.
Last edited by wawuzit; 12/15/12 07:19 AM.
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Shade Tree Mechanic
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I agree about the assault weapons no one needs one, i used one in nam and hope I never handle one again but I still love my other guns. ken
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Thanks Kens41,
We have a start that at least automatic weapons and assualt rifles are not required by the average civilan. Hand guns and single shot rifles are deady, but the potential for widespread damage is reduced, and in a crowded situation more people have a chance to escape.
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Some say "Street is neat". I prefer "1928 is great" I have documented my 45 years with a 1928 Chev Tourer, from 1973 to 2018, and regulary add other items that I hope are of interest to others. Your comments are most welcome.The story of the Red Chev can be viewed at http://my28chev.blogspot.com/
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Oak trees start as acorns And also does tyranny and the loss of our American Constitutional rights as they are written in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. constitution. You cannot write laws that control evil or moral behavoir, laws just have the ability to punish evil behavior. Anti-gun knife, club and bow and arrow laws only punish the lawful, the criminal and evil dooers will find a way to commit their evil deeds. Ken41 as too what one person thinks is something that isn't needed, isn't true for another person. Hand guns were used in this killing of innocent children and teachers, not a rifle, automatic or any other kind. This discussion has morfed into a political discussion, un-related to the purpose of this site, away from the original subject topic and should be closed. (IMHO)
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1956 BEL AIR 2 DOOR HARDTOP I've spent most of my money on Booze,Women and mechanical things. The rest I just Wasted........
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Hi Mr Mack,
Your right, but let me remind you that the of topic thread was started by a moderator, who asked a question.
All we have done is given our answers
Some say "Street is neat". I prefer "1928 is great" I have documented my 45 years with a 1928 Chev Tourer, from 1973 to 2018, and regulary add other items that I hope are of interest to others. Your comments are most welcome.The story of the Red Chev can be viewed at http://my28chev.blogspot.com/
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Gentlemen, The terrible school shooting incident that took place on 12/14/12 has affected each of us in much the same way. We are in fact, heartbroken and saddened over this tragic loss of lives. It doesn't matter who, Moderator or Chat User, posed the question. We ask that kind of question because we are human and each of you here has made comment to the question posed and expressed your sorrow as well. Gun control has become the topic here.....a very touchy political topic, and the President of the United States' name has been mentioned within that topic. Again, about as political as you can get. This is not the venue for this discussion. I can guarantee it won't be solved here and more hard feelings will be created. Below is a copy of General Discussion Policy with relevant wording highlighted in red..... Here is a place to discuss some non-auto topics with other Chevy people. policy. These could include: Trailers, Memorabilia, Toys, Traveling, Fraternal organizations, Jobs, College, Genealogy, Computers, etc. (Political comments are not approprate and WILL be deleted.)You can also use this forum as a place for making an initial connection with other people who have similar interests, This is NOT a place for solving the problems of the world! :-) The BOARD POLICY (at the bottom of this page is in FULL EFFECT here, as in all other forums. May I suggest that instead of ranting here, spend a moment of silence and say a prayer for the many victims of yesterday's senseless killings. Thank you for your cooperation. This thread is now LOCKED. ken48Chat Moderator