Your utility is a real beauty, bu you should decide if you want it as original as possible, or make it your own way. If you want it original, it cannot matter if you don't like the shape of a headlight. You must use what is right for that brand/year and type as to all of the exterior.
Due to safety reasons there are some few inside technical short cuts which may be "allowed", such as f.ex. changing brake bands to modern type. They make the van stop a lot faster and makes driving in rainy weather safer.
There are so few original utilities around that if you decide to stay with an original, it will be more of a showstopper than a modernized (other headlights, f.ex.) If you have any intention of using it in movies from same period etc. it has to be original.
I have seen the different reactions from many audiences as to original and custom/mdernized utilities through near to 25 years using our original Pick up, in shows, parades, tours etc. and I found the original to be my way in th hobby.
Good luck. Also try eBay once every week as to the headlights missing.