the easiest method i have used over the last 50 years and certainly the safest. ask your search engine for "rust remover concentrate", read what comes up. these reduce the rust to a sludge that rinses out leaving just the grey iron.
Care to recommend a brand name? I have viewed site and suspect there are many competitors, some good, some not so. I'm in Canada so would like products sold here as importing some liquids is usually an issue with Canada Customs.
no liquid import problem, the stuff is a white powder that you mix with water to get the remover stuff. i don't remember the brand i got but i am still using it 5 years later. i think they are all the same stuff, but i don't remember enough chemistry to guess what it is. i just know it beats the heck out of the dangerous methods i have used in the past.
Something to think about. After you remover your rust you need to treat the metal so it does not rust again. I use a product called Rust Mort. Rust Mort INFO I have used it for years, won first place in class at Pebble Beach with the American Austin in 2003 and it still look like a fresh restoration today. Noting is coming back to haunt me. Give it a try, you wont be sorry... no I don't own any stock in the company it just works.
If you check the MSDS on Rust-Mort and other rust removers you will find that they all contain Phosphoric Acid. Phosphoric acid reacts with rust (iron oxide) to form iron phosphate which is a black substance that can be washed off with water. Phosphoric Acid will also burn your skin and etch concrete so you have to be very careful when you use it. Wear protective clothing, avoid inhaling it and don't get in your eyes. If you spill some on a concrete floor, don't leave it there because it eats concrete. Phosphoric acid is also a common ingredient in soft drinks such as Coke and Pepsi.
If you want a really safe and enviromentally "greenie" friendly rust remover,try using common old molasses.It also contains phosphoric acid,but in a very small concentration. You'll just need some sort of plastic tub/vat etc. big enough to take the bits you want de-rusted.The downsides are,that it will get a "bit on the nose" after a while,and you can't put any reactive metals in it,ie;aluminium,any case hardened steel items etc.It's also a bit slow,but if you're not in a hurry,it won't matter.Just throughly wash down after all the rust is removed,and prime straight away.
I remember as a kid/teenager hearing that coca-cola would clean rusty chrome. Never tried it and considered it a kind of urban legend, like alligators in the sewer. Does this mean it might actually work?
Gunsmoke:Rona Hardware sells a product made by Surf-pro in Quebec.Its trade name is Rust Buster and is in their store computer catalogue if they don't stock it.It is high content phosphoric acid and is water soluable if you choose to lower its strength.(always add acid to water,not the other way around)Use proper caution in a well ventilated area.This product leaves metal black but will leave a light gray thin coating when rinsed with water which will not rust.The gov't has restricted so many things as pollutant so importing chemicals is tough.Fortunately this is Canadian made.Try a test sample,you will like it.It is sensibly priced. Rae.
I have searched as you suggested and have several hits with various products, needless to say they all have claims of greatness. A product name would be very helpful.
I didn't check any of the links and web sites mentioned above because I know what to use. Years ago an OSU chemistry professor told us to use Ammonium Citrate Dibasic. It is a white crystal power you mix with water and it changes rust into a black goop that washes off, just like Baconfederate described. You can put your hand into it safely. You order it online at chemical supply houses. The last liter I got was about $65
Heart of Route 66 Region (Okla) VCCA Chevys: 1929 LQ 1.5T; 1930 LR 1.5T; 1932 BA 5 pass coupe; 1941 Chevy 1.5T US Army Fire Truck, my vintage '82 Chevy Motor Home
OSU no less. i wanted to go there for wrestling and college. they already had scholarship out to a national champion at my weight so i went elsewhere. see what i missed. thanks for the name of the stuff.