Change oil if the oil has more than a few hundred miles on it.
Over inflate tires. Helps to prevent flat spots and eleminates the need to fill tires in the Sping....just deflate as necessary.
Put on car cover over a dust free car.
Make sure battery is fully charged
Make sure the proper amount of anti-freeze is still in the radiator.
Disconnect battery on 12 V cars.
At one time I added Marvel Mystery Oil ( a strong dose) to the gas. But since its more of a solvent I now prefer to add 2 Cycle oil to the gas. It has more body.
Have gas as low as possible so I don't have a full tank of old gas in the Spring....and in some cars still have it next Fall.
After the car is been cooled down a bit I dump some MMO through the carburetor and finally stall out the engine. Lubricates the valve guides, valve seats and inside of exhaust system - and smells good also.
I NEVER start the engine all winter as its more harmful to start the engine several times, better to just let it rest.
If you heat the garage from time to time you will get condenstation due to the rapid temp changes inside the sheet metal covers of the engine, the gas tank, on the chrome. etc....not good.
During the winter I will go out and pump the brakes a few time to get the fluid, wheel cylinders. etc. moving.
On my 1957 I suck 3 quarts of fluid out of the Power Glide so it dosen't PEE it out on the floor over winter. The 1950 PG and the Corvair is house broken.
I sometimes spray parts such as heater hose clamps and other bare metal with WD40, keeps the corrision down.
Leave a lot of treats for the mice