Just thought I'd run this by all the gurus here.Is it possible to use a '29 clutch throwout arm & bearing in a '28 at all?A friend was cleaning out all his old parts for his '29 sedan which he'd sold,and said I could have the arm & bearing if I wanted it.
The throwout bearing is the type with the slots milled in the carbon face and has the oiler on it as well,so I'd say it was a '33 - '37 bearing.I put the '29 arm on top of the '28 arm,and they are so close it's not funny.The only major difference being,that the '28 arm uses 2 bolts to retain the carbon holder to the arm,and the '29 arm has the 2 retaining spring clips to hold the carbon retainer to the arm.
I'd like to try it out on a mock up old block,but thought I'd for the experts advice first.