It appears something is drawing a vacuum ahead of the pump that the pump can't overcome or there's a blockage behind the pump. You leave out a lot of information. Lets go in steps.
1: Is the tank properly vented? As the pump pulls gas out it must be replaced by air through a vent. Remove the gas cap and see if that fixes the issue. If so the tank vent isn't working. If not go to step 2. 2: Have you checked the outlet of the tank to make sure it's not plugged? 3: If the tank is properly vented and the outlet not plugged, put gas in the tank and remove the line from the inlet of the fuel pump. Does gas run out? If so you're clear to that point. If not the line from the tank to the pump is plugged and needs cleaned or replaced. 4: If everything is clear to the pump inlet, remove the line at the pump outlet and activate the starter motor without the key on. Does the pump squirt gas out the outlet? If not replace or rebuild the fuel pump. If so go to step 5. 5: Remove the inlet line from the carburetor and activate the starter without the key on. Does gas squirt out? If so it's a carburetor issue. If not the line from the fuel pump outlet is plugged and needs cleaned or replaced.
To sum it up. It's a process of working from known good to bad. When it makes that transition you've found the problem.