Sam and his family came for early Christmas on Saturday and stayed until Wednesday morning. Nori, My youngest Granddaughter, recently got her drivers license. She wanted to "one up" her friends by learning to drive a stick shift. We started with the tractor and then had a couple of sessions in the 1935 Chevy. She did well, for a newbie, and I took some video on her phone so she would have proof. She has been driving her Model T Ford, when she visits, for several years. We needed ice, for home made ice cream, so Neav (#2 Granddaughter) and I loaded up in the 1936 Chevy 1-1/2 ton truck and headed out to the nearest convenience store. I drove there and Neav drove us back. She has been driving the '35 for a while and was introduced to the truck when she visited in the Summer. After a couple of trips with me, her Dad took over the lessons and had her double clutching in no time. This was her first chance to see what she had remembered from a few months back. If you guys are not teaching your kids and grandkids to appreciate and DRIVE your old cars, you are missing out on one of the greatest pleasures of ownership.