Avatar, sorry for delay. Actually I thought that I had posted some pictures in some of my old posts. After I noticed your Private Message I found out that there were no pictures. After that it took some time to find out some ways to make it possible for you to view pictures of my clutch leather replacement.

First I recommend you to take a look on my my website . Under ”Sidor” (pages), go to ”Reparationer, tips”. Scroll to ”Nytt läder på kopplings konan” (new leather on the clutch cone). You can click on pictures to see them in full size. To go back, click the ”back” arrow in your browser. The text is in swedish ...

Then take a look on the following 14 pictures. The pictures are in quite high resolution, so it takes a couple of seconds before the they shows correct.

The first three pictures are from the removal of the engine with the clutch, december 2007. The removal of the engine was necessary in order to make an engine overhaul.

Still in the car 4357
Engine and clutch released from transmission 4359
Engine and clutch out of the car 4362

The following seven pictures are from the the investigation of the clutch, also december 2007.

Leather after one season 4372 Note that I had the leather mounted with the smooth side out. Other recommends the rough side out, so I guess both will work. Also note I had the ends of the leather slanted, more two inches, maybe more, and then glued togetheter. The rivet on the right side is positioned through the slanted and glued ends. Others, for instance Bob Knaak, who seems very experienced, recommends cutting the leather without slanting, but with two extra rivets near the leather ends, so I guess that works too.

Oil from the cranccase 1. 4375 On this and the following two pictures, note the oil leakage that has coloured the leather. It is engine oil, coming från the hole in the rear end of the crankshaft in order to lubricate the roller balls for the ”Clutch Spring Tension Rod”.
Oil from the cranccase 2 4376
Oil from the cranccase 3 4378
Oil on the ”Clutch Spring Tension Rod” retainer 4380

The clutch puller tool my friend made 4383
The clutch puller tool 4384. See also pictures 5491and 5493 below.

The last four pictures are from the assembling in July 2008.

Clutch Spring Tension Rod 5475 Note: When you install the Clutch Spring Tension Rod, with the balls and the retainer (?), be careful that the retainer will fit exactly into the recess (?) in the rear end of the crancshaft. There is a risk that the retainer comes in a skew (?) position. Guess how I know...
The tool used at the assembling 5491
The tool used at the assembling 2 5493. Note the slot in the pipe, nessery to remove and install the spring pin.
Ready to install the engine and clutch in the car 5494.

Hope this helps.
If you have some specific questions you are welcome to ask.