I actually have a photo I took back in around 1978 of the only time that tire was used. It was on the passenger rear when we had a blowout! It was only on for a few miles to get to a station in our hometown of Marshalltown, Iowa.
Given the fact that almost all the 70,xxx miles on the car were put on by my dad, I know most of the details to many of the "warts" this car has. For example, I know why there is a red stain on the rear carpet, seat, and side upholstery on the driver's side (not able to be seen with the seat in place). Strawberry Crush ~45 years ago. Pre-10 year-old me was never allowed to have a drink with color on a trip again? I had totally forgotten about that until 2 weeks ago when I removed the rear seat while cleaning/inspecting!
I have found my dad's tools in various places in/under the car over the past couple months. I can identify them because my brother raced dirt late models in the 70's/80's around Iowa, dad marked his tools in a specific way with colored electrical tape so he could quickly identify them at the track so as to not lose them. I have also left his strategically placed wooden clothes pins on the fuel line.