Driving it in KC will take planning (I’ve lived in the area 25 years). I drive my 35 1 1/2 ton daily to chore here on the farm. I have lots of options to drive for things but would rather drive the 35.

When I lived in the city I drove my restored cars with hydraulic (but not assisted) brakes and still was cautious. I would certainly be really cautious with the mechanical brakes but it would be really fun to cruise the plaza and take scenic routes.

The engine you have can be rebuilt to be as reliable as most any modern engine. Mine starts and runs just fine when it is 10 degrees or 100 degrees. I don’t haul more than a couple thousand pounds in mine at any one time but that is still a chore to stop. It reminds me of my mother’s story about trying to stop 110 bushels of wheat with it. I have more engine power than I do thigh muscles for repeated stops. I’m not sure I would gear it up much just due to brakes. Mine is perfectly happy at 40 but 50 feels like the end of the world. I can see your concerns about speed in the city.

Nice to have another old Chev in the area!